101 AC: Ekroneans make populational swap, in an attempt to maximize the assimilation of Israelites and Moabites into their population. The Israelites of priestly ascent (Cohanim, subgroup of the Levites) are persecuted, but many manage to evade by declaring to be from other tribes. World population reaches 2 million.
104 AC: Ekroneans and Canaanites establish cities and villages in Israelite former territory. A huge forest fire leads to the destruction of several Canaanite villages in the northern parts of the territory. A strong earthquake hits Central Desert area, near the Transition Zone, and a super volcano erupts there. This leads to drops in global temperature and a diminishing in the amount of rain that falls inland, leading to droughts and a famine lasting for almost four years, killing thousands.
107 AC: Famine weakens. Canaanites develop a small, short-range rocket reaching 8,300 cubits (nearly 3.9km) and carrying an effective explosive charge made with a variation of powder, and a more efficient fuse; the missile was called Ziknur (Fire Arrow; became standard word for "missile" in Canaanite). Some Ekroneans see the tests, and warn their king, who orders the creation of their own. The former Ekronean king dies, the new one abolishes the persecution of the Cohanim. Moabite revolts in Ekronas lead to several hundred deaths for Moabites, Ekroneans and Israelites.
110 AC: Both Ekroneans and Canaanites develop independently, a new type of rocket fuel, more efficient, based on the mixture of gunpowder with ammonium nitrate and fine aluminium powder, and tree resin to maintain it together. They enter into a war over the control of a large mine of gold and other minerals that is at their border; the war ends with a draw, both sides claiming victory.
116 AC: Canaanites develop trigonometry and other mathematical advances. Also, there are improvements in engineering, such as cement based on limestone (calcium carbonate). Ekroneans develop roads, new cities have larger streets with stone pavement to accommodate the increasing number of people, and as aesthetic development.
123 AC: Canaanites allow assimilated Israelites to resettle on the northern cities of the former Israelite territory, under Canaanite control and paying taxes to the Canaanite cities responsible for them. The Israelite underground militia begins storage and production of weapons hidden from the Canaanites, trains both men and women between ages of 8 to 20 (16 to 40 in Earth years) in combat. Ekroneans do the same with the assimilated Moabite population, but on the city of Am-Pilekes ("concubine people"; old Bet-Shemes), in former Israelite territory. This attempt to erase Israelite connection with the city led to Israelite revolts in the city of Bet Dakan, many Israelite casualties.
135 AC: Israelites are allowed by most of the Canaanite cities to become second-class inhabitants, but this level of freedom must be bought. Many manage do so and become part of the working class, and some of them even manage to gain enough money to pay the freedom of other Israelites. Some of these are called to work for the army in the preparation of weaponry, including the manufacture of rockets, and as consequence many mathematical advances as well. Ekroneans develop cannons, some of them carrying explosive charges, but they are still unreliable.
138 AC: Canaanites develop glass, and the city of Qart Hadasht establish a show twice a year to show and popularize the new inventions, and to boost national pride. This was actually done because the king of this city was planning to unify the entire Canaanite City-States into a single country under his rule, and showing off the advances made mainly in this city was his way at attempting to attract other cities to come under his rule. Ekroneans develop clear glass by the end of the year, and the Ekronean king sends a piece of art made of clear glass to the king of Qart Hadasht as a gift.
140 AC: Israelite workers in Canaanite army develop the first lenses using clear glass (which the Canaanites were now able to do); this led to the creation of the first telescope and the first microscope. The telescope was adopted to use in the army, but the microscope came to be an article of curiosity, until they managed to see the first microbes with it. Moabites in Ekronas develop clear glass mirrors by precipitating gold on glass by means of an acidic solution; one big mirror made of gold was made and given to the Ekronean king, attempting to gain his favour. Later that year an earthquake hits the seafloor near the western continental coast, and the ensuing tsunami hit the Canaanite city of Yama (former Ayalon), killing all of its 8,500 residents.
150 AC (299 Earth years): Assimilated Moabites are now fully accepted into the Ekronean Army, Israelites are barred. Some Moabites manage to be counsellors for the king, and fiat money was created for the first time, a copper coin with face value ranging from the price of a small fruit to the price of a day's work on the fields. Canaanites do the same, and allow the Israelites resettled to create their own currency if they wish to do so.
163 AC: Ekroneans allow Israelites to become second-class citizens, but many professions are not allowed for them, and also to enter Ekronean Army. Canaanites, with the help of the Israelite underground, manage to steal plans of the new Ekronean missile (Hesesh, became the regular word for missile in Ekroneké), capable of reaching 29,000 cubits (nearly 13.9km) with precision around 300 cubits (around 144.5m), due to the addition of fins near the nozzle. A super volcano erupts underwater, under the southern polar cap and near the southern continental coast; a tsunami 100m high hits the Moabite coastal area, reaching as far as 150km inland in the lower plains, destroying 23 Moabite cities. Waves 5m high reach the northern coast of the northern continent, but damage to Canaanite cities was minimal due to its low populational density. That same year, a comet 26km wide flies by the planet and hits the moon, generating a rain of debris that fell over the planet; most of the fragments were small rocks not bigger than a hand, but some were as big as 10 cubits (around 4.8m), generating a series of fireballs over the skies. These many events at once led the people to think that the gods (or G-d, in the case of the Israelites) were mad at them, and many sacrifices were made; Moabites adopt Canaanite religion, which in turn is a derivation of its own religion mixed with the Ekronean religion.
169 AC: Several Canaanite cities allow all the Israelites to return to their homeland (except those under Ekronean control), and to establish a vassal state to the Canaanite City-States; they are forbidden to have an advanced army, which was not obeyed by the Israelites, who secretly developed their own army and missiles caches based on what was learned when serving the Canaanite armies, hidden form them. Israelite religion is somehow supressed, but not entirely forbidden, which again was ignored by them. A new Israelite leader, Amram ben Itamar, from the tribe of Levi, is acclaimed Diaspora Judge "Shufet Gola" at 8 years-old (16 "Earth-years-old"), as not to attract too much attention of the Canaanites as if they were looking for independence.
178 AC: Canaanites face religious division, as many wished to remove Ekronean influence over their religion. This leads to the division of the Canaanite City-States in two factions, who call their armies from Israelite territory, leaving only a very small number of soldiers to watch over them. One Dagon priest killed a Melqart priest in the Temple of the North, leading to a revolt of the different priests who were in the temple; this quickly escalated to a full war between the two factions. This facilitates for the Israelite underground to become more like a real army. Around 800.000 Israelites live in this vassal state by this period, 200,000 of them are soldiers. Ekroneans hesitate to attack and conquer the Israelite cities fearing the Canaanite response.

182 AC: After almost four years of internal fighting, the Canaanite armies have been seriously weakened. Israelites develop firearms inspired by the way cannons work. The Ekroneans realize that the Canaanite armies are weakened, and attempt to conquer the Israelite cities of Kiriat Shimon and Galilit-Ma'al believing them to be defenceless, but fail with high number of casualties. The Canaanites realize the Israelite vassal state now has a full army capable of causing trouble, and stop the internal fighting and turn their attention to the Israelites, trying to reconquer the cities were they now live; they are repelled, and heavy casualties are inflicted to Canaanite army. Later that year, the Israelites attack the city of Am-Pilekes (Bet-Shemes) and conquer it from the Ekroneans - the Israelite First War of Independence has officially begun, and the Judge leads the people going most of the time in the front lines to fight together with the soldiers.
183 AC: Seven Ekronas-controlled Israelite cities capitulate to the Israelites, and the ones still captive in Ekronas rebel and attack the Ekronas army from inside, guerrilla tactics and sabotage on Ekronean storehouses that have weapons cache, mainly rockets. Facing attacks from both outside and inside, the Ekronas army can do little to maintain control of the situation. Also, many Moabites seize the opportunity and also rebel against Ekronean control, deepening the crisis. The Canaanite city of Yama is captured and renamed Ayalon, for being near the old Ayalon (who was destroyed twice by tsunamis). Also, cities mainly inhabited by the Moabites are attacked, but no survivors are left as the Israelites were willing to revenge for the massacre of infants and their parents as human sacrifices. Many Israelites are released due to attacks, as the Israelites use to demand the release of all Israelite captives who live in the city or they face destruction. The Memshal Yisrael (Israel Nation), now under full rule of the Judge Amram, has now an army with 250,000 soldiers. Ekroneans that are taken captive become slaves and are forced to build more missiles and weapons for the Israelite army; however, the manufacture of the firearms, now much more improved, are made by the Israelites themselves.
184 AC: Ekronean king allies with the Canaanite kings and form a new Alliance in order to reconquer the Israelites, and he is put in charge of the combined forces, now having 200,00 soldiers. They gather near the Rombada Deganas/Rama Golan (Golan Heights), readying for the attacks on the Israelites. A fragment of a comet, thought to be around 4 cubits (~2m) large explodes between 20,000 to 40,000 cubits (between 10km to 20km) high, and the shockwave throws them to the ground, putting them in panic. The Israelites see this as a sign from G-d that they are being helped, and they seize the opportunity to attack the Alliance forces, inflict heavy losses.
185 AC: The Israelites lay siege to several Canaanite cities, demanding the release of all Israelites living there. Most cities agree and expel even the most assimilated Israelites, who didn't want to leave. The cities that didn't agree and attempted to fight back were destroyed, but its population was allowed to flee on the grounds that the Canaanites were the ones who gave the best treatment to the Israelites during the exile. The city of Bet-Shemes is heavily attacked by Ekroneans, and inflict heavy losses to the Israelites, but the city is not captured. The Judge decides not to participate anymore in the front lines due to his age, because he is now 24 years-old (48 "Earth-years-old") and his daughter, Abihayil bat Amram, now at the age of 10 (21 Earth years), leads the army in the front lines.
187 AC: Ekroneans and Canaanites replicate the first type of firearms the Israelites were using, mass production. A new Ekronean king, Kalyat I from the house of Rapa, rises to power, and the improvement in military tactics lead to some victories in battle. Moabites attain freedom in a small territory by fighting with guerrilla tactics against the Ekroneans in the south near the former border Ekronas-Moab. The new nation, called Malkhut Meab, is established over 11 cities (being Dibun the capital city), and they put the military leader Aglun ban Masa, at 22 years-old (45 Earth-years old) as their king. Moabites accidentally discover electricity generated by copper and zinc plates in lemon juice, use it for entertainment and medical treatments.

189 AC: The Israelites end the war against the Phoenicians and turn their attention to the Ekroneans. The new Israelite automatic firearm begins to be used in the front lines, causing even more damage to the Ekronean troops. As a revenge, the Ekronean king Kalyat I orders the remaining 100,000 captive Israelites to be put in forced labour camps, facing hunger and abuses. Moabites take advantage of the war between Memshal Yisrael and Ekronas and invades more cities in the southeast coastal area, increasing the number of cities now belonging to the Moabite Kingdom to 18; they also begin to use the more modern missiles that were in the Ekronean army as they learned how to do while serving.
190 AC: The Judge Amram dies and his daughter Abihayil is acclaimed Judge in his place, at 15 years-old (30 Earth-years old). A strong earthquake hits Central Desert, frightening both Israelites and Ekroneans during the Battle of Golan. Both armies retreat and stand still, while performing religious ceremonies. The Ekronean king himself offers animal sacrifices to Dakan (corrupted from Dagan) and attempts to boost Ekronean morale by going himself to the front lines to face the Israelites; this decision was taken mainly because the Ekroneans learn that the new Israelite leader is actually a woman, and take for granted that their victory will be easy and decisive. The Israelites then make the first move by attracting the Ekroneans to a trap, and manage to kill the king Kaliat I. Unable to flee for being surrounded, most Ekronean soldiers surrender to the Israelites. This battle ends the First Israelite War of Independence. By the same time, the Ishmaelites seek to leave Moabite and Ekronean controlled areas due to discrimination, and go to Memshal Yisrel - the Israelites settle these Ishmaelites in a semi-independent in the south, and help them establish their own army.
191 AC: The new Ekronean king Abimalekh I, son of Kalyat I, is declared king in Ekronas. He reorganises the army and form a defence against the Moabites, who could expand their domains over the entirety of the southern continent, from east to west. The Moabite War of Independence ends shortly after that, and a treaty is signed between the Ekronean king Abimalekh and the Moabite king Aglun, now at the age of 26 years-old (53 Earth years). The Moabites attack the semi-independent region inhabited by the Ishmaelites, and they manage to form a defensive line even in a 30:1 disadvantage. The Israelite army is called to help defend the cities and villages, and they immediately go to their aid. Seeing that the Canaanites and the Ekroneans offered no immediate threat, they send their entire army to attack the Moabite capital Dibun. With their capital surrounded by more than 100,000 Israelite soldiers, the much smaller Moabite army is forced to retreat and surrender; when entering the city, the Moabite army learns that their king Aglun has committed suicide fearing being captured by the Israelites. The Israelite army returns to Memshal Yisrel. The Ishmaelites, still divided in clans and families, agree to declare the young Obed'el ben Nezar (6 years-old; 13 Earth years-old), from the Qedar clan, as king, and declare the new nation as Kingdom of Qedar; the Israelites give the Ishmaelites full autonomy and sign a military treaty with them.

192 AC: The new Qart Hadasht king, Abibaal ber Ahiram, rises to power and establishes the first university, which he calls “Marze-Da’at deQart Hadasht” (Knowledge Temple of Qart Hadasht); classes on Law, Mathematics, History, Astrology and Laws of Movement (which is precursor to Physics). Ten cities come under the rule of king Abibaal, and they establish a unified kingdom. Shortly after, the army establishes a “marze-da’at” focused on military sciences. By the end of the year, the Haron-Af volcano violently erupts, causing the complete destruction of the Keriat Darom city in Memshal Yisrel, and all of its 25,000 inhabitants die. World population reaches 25 million.
193 AC: The super volcano under Lake Arun, in Ekronas, explodes, releasing almost 1,000 km³ of material. There were earthquakes, increasing in intensity, occurring several months prior to the eruption, which frightened the inhabitants of the region to flee towards the centre of the country. The eruption lasted for a week, and entire continent had fall of volcanic ashes (it is believed that the volcano died on this last eruption). This caused a massive failure of crops. Also, the large amount of sulphur dioxide in the stratosphere caused a drop in global temperatures, diminishing the amount of rainfall and further deepening the famine.
198 AC: Famine ends, with a death toll of nearly 4 million people. Ekronas suffered most, due to its proximity. Global temperatures return to normal, and strong rains hit the entire continent. A heatwave occurs during summer in the northern hemisphere, and heavy rains fall on the Canaanite cities on the islands. A tropical storm forms, and the centre of the storm passes through the Kina’an Strait, bringing destruction to both the continent and the islands. Strong volcanic eruptions occur also on the planet’s moon, increasing the number and sizes of meteor showers, and a tenuous ring formed around the planet, near the moon. The ring and the increased meteor showers were noticed by all the inhabitants of the planet, who gave varied religious explanations; however, one student at the Qart Hadasht’s university, Hamur ber Abibaal (not related to the king), recorded on his personal journal the eruption on the moon as “a bright, very small cloud rising from the edge of the moon”, and was the first to hypothesise that there were volcanos on the moon that were causing several similar phenomena registered in the past, but with lower intensity.
200 AC: New change in the weather pattern brings consistent rainfall to central areas of the continent, increasing the crops and facilitating the societal recovery. The king Abimalekh dies at the age of 26 (52 Earth years), killed by his only son, Pekhol, and his son’s counsellors. However, Pekhol is soon killed and lynched by the crowd, who viewed Abimalekh as a great king; Abimalekh’s loyal commander, who names himself as Abimalekh II, marries Abimalekh’s daughter and becomes king. The Moabite king Aglun dies at the age of 36 (71 Earth years), leaving no son; his daughter Melkah becomes queen, but she is forced to marry her cousin Makhlon to remain in the throne.
210 AC: The Qart Hadasht king Abibaal ber Ahiram accepts more cities under his rule, and his kingdom is renamed as the “Mamlaket deKina’an Mukhbaret” (Kingdom of the Unified Canaan). Short battles against the last two cities in the west forces them to come under his rule as well, extending the KUC from west to east, in the northern part of the continent. He attempts to conquer three other Canaanite cities in the westernmost island of the Kina’an Strait, but they fail due to strong storms that hit the area.
211 AC: The Israelite judge Abihayil orders the creation of a university, to be called “Betlimud Elyon Le’Ayalon” (Ayalon’s higher school), where people can study Mathematics, History, Agriculture, Warfare; she orders the separation between the beliefs in the astral influence from the study of the movement of the stars, calls this new science as “limud tanu’ot hakokhabim” (astronomy; lit.: study of the movement of the stars), or simply “lit’hakh” for short, and this is included in the university studies. She’s at the age of 35 (69 Earth years), and leaves the position of Judge before her birthday in favour of the prophetess Na’omi bat Yehudah, from the tribe of Levi, at the age of 14 (27 Earth years). The independent Canaanite city-states make trade alliances with Memshal Yisrel, Ekronas and the Moabites; they use a device similar to the mariners’ astrolabe and find better maritime routs to reach the countries they trade. Larger ships are created, capable of navigating for weeks without the need to stop for supplies.
212 AC: Independently, the Israelites and the Canaanites from the KUC estimate the circumference of the planet, which was calculated to be around 91,000 kilocubits (a bit over 43,000km). Each one claim to be the first to discover it. The KUC king Abibaal dies of old age, and his son Hiram rises to power at the age of 17 (33 Earth years), then orders three ships (two of them mostly supplies) to sail west with the currents, expecting to find new land. The Moabites and the Ekroneans, each decide to make its own university, with different subjects. The Israelites improve the manufacture of iron and the production of other metals, and make the first astronomical refractor telescopes, used to observe the planet’s moon and the planet Mezuhar (Keléshtevadáran); he announces that he could see clouds forming while the planet was getting brighter. Next year, the Canaanite expedition reaches the eastern coast of the Kingdom of Ekronas, and then they return to Qart Hadasht, believing they failed and new expeditions are planned.

244 AC: The first Israelite expedition to search new lands departs from Bet Abib, a coastal city in the northern parts of Memshal Yisrel; the former judge Abihayil dies at the impressive age of 59 (118 Earth years), and the main ship is named after her. They sail westwards and reach the Remote Islands for the first time, take fruits and plants and depart shortly after. The Moabites attempt an expedition as well, but sailing eastwards. The new Ekronean king, Kalyat II, son of Abimalekh II, orders the increase in taxes in order to send his own expedition, but this creates a state of civil unrest in the country; he’s forced to back up and offers a prize for the first person to find new land for the Ekronean crown, leading to the discovery of the Yeshubaal Islands, a little over 2,400km off the western coast of the Lake Arun’s caldera, where large deposits of gold and other metals are found.
245 AC: the Israelite expedition reaches the eastern coast of Ekronas, and initially thought this to be new land. While they were establishing the camp, the Ekronean army finds them and attacks them, killing 9 out of the 30 scientists and explorers in the expedition; the rest is taken captive. The Israelite judge Na’omi, now at the age of 48 (95 Earth years), sends her younger son Ele’azer with an army of 7,500 soldiers to rescue the explorers held by the Ekroneans. They believe the attack is motivated by interests on the new metal mines, and mobilise their entire army. The current KUC king, Zaker-Ashtart ber Sidoni, seizes the opportunity to conquer northern Ekronean cities and, probably due to psychological reasons, he decides to go himself to the battle, even though he’s now at the age of 27 (54 Earth years). The Israelites and the Canaanites attack, uncoordinatedly, the Ekronean army on the same week; the Israelites manage to rescue the explorers held captive and the bodies of those who were killed without losing a single man, and immediately return to Memshal Yisrel’s territory; the Canaanites learn that the Israelites have left the battle and the Ekronean army is now towards his troops, and then he uses more than 100 rockets in a single attack against the defending army, but they fail to frighten the Ekroneans. The KUC king dies hit by a bullet at his head, fired by an Ekronean sniper from over 2,000 cubits, revealing that the Ekroneans have developed high precision firearms by that time.

246 AC: The Ekronean king Kaliat II is killed in an accidental explosion of a missile cache caused by a fire, and his son Khomar becomes king. A new dynasty arises in the KUC, with the rise to power of the Khanbaal, the Wise, who was a master at the KUC’s military university; his parents are unknown. The new KUC king devises a new strategy, and manages to break the Ekronean defence lines. With exhausted resources for both sides, the Ekroneans and the Canaanites sign a peace treaty, and each side keeps the territories captured. A group of students at the Moabite “Bayit Lemud Elit” (university; lit: higher school) develops a glider, which they call “ha’ofef” (“the flyer”), but it needs to be launched from a very high position; the test is a success, and the king orders the production of several units and places them on their side of the Southern Plateau, and it is used to gather intel on Israelite and Ishmaelite armies.
247 AC: The Israelite Judge Na'omi bat Yehudah dies of old age during the New Year's celebrations. One of her husband’s disciple, Shemayah ben Hayim, is acclaimed as judge, but there is some uneasiness amongst the other tribes for being the fourth Levite to be judge in a row, and rumours of a "Levite monarchy" begins to spread (according to the Israelite belief, a king is to be chosen sometime in the future either from the tribe of Judah or from the tribe of Efrayim). Tired of being spied, the Ishmaelites steal two gliders from the Moabites. As a result, on the very next day, armies from both the KOM and the Kingdom of Qedar clash at the border, with the much smaller KOQ army managing to hold position and inflict heavy casualties on the KOM army; a ceasefire was agreed upon both sides four days later. The Ishmaelites learn how to manufacture the gliders, and they send one of the stolen gliders to the Israelites, who also begin to work on the new vehicle. Upon learning about the gliders, both the Ekroneans and the Canaanites try to develop their own versions from scratch. Minor conflicts between the Ekroneans and the KUC Canaanites, with the Ekroneans managing to win most of them, but at a high cost. By the end of the year, the Ekroneans begin using their gliders to not only gather intelligence from the enemy's positions but also to throw their primitive grenades on the enemy's troops, which is taken as the main reason for the Ekronean victories. Also, by the end of the year, the Ishmaelites find rich deposits of diamonds, gold and other metals and crystals, which the KOQ sees as a means to boost the national economy. By the end of the year, KUC scientists discover how to make pictures by using paper impregnated with a silver solution; the invention rapidly gains popularity, and the king Khanbaal sends gifts to the kings of other Canaanite City-States, as well as to the Israelite, Ekronean and Moabite kings. Seeing the commercial potential of the new invention, an Israelite scientist called Yehoram ben Sur creates the first small industry of this material after developing a better, cheaper process of manufacture, and he starts selling photographic papers and cameras to anyone interested, and even the Ekroneans start coming to Yisrel to buy and resell the material. The Israelite army begins equipping their gliders with a smaller, lightweight camera, and pictures of Moab's military positions are taken, helping in planning for defensive strategies as the tensions between Moab and Yisrel grow – this technique is kept secret. So far, pictures are only black and white.
249 AC: After noticing the success of this new intelligence gathering technique, the Israelite army attaches a more advanced camera (capable of taking up to 20 pictures) to the top of a high-powered rocket, hoping to see further into the Moabite army – the rocket is fired straight upwards to avoid having this new technology falling into the hands of the Moabites. The mission is a military failure but a scientific success, as they manage to take the first pictures of Gelo from the upper atmosphere. This feat, however, is kept secret from the wider public, and a small group of scientists from the Israelite university is tasked to study the pictures. New launches are made, and even more pictures are taken. All the new discoveries are recorded but kept secret and marked to be revealed to the wider public 15 years (30 Earth years) later, if no other nation begins using the same techniques. Tensions between Yisrel and Moab rise as some infiltrated Moabites into Israelite territory see these launches and think they are attacks towards Moabite cities, but full war doesn't break out because no Moabite city is reportedly attacked. By the end of the year, the Ekronean army creates the Sebá Yéda (Military Intelligence; lit.: Army of Information), a branch tasked with the mission of infiltrating spies on foreign territory and military to gather intelligence and new technologies, as the Ekronean king sees his nation lagging behind in technological development.
250 AC: The Ekroneans launch and test a two-stage rocket, launching it well above the planet's Karman line. The remains of the missile fall over Ashdod, killing 6 people, due to a malfunction of the newly developed guiding system. Two Ekronean spies are discovered while taking notes on the Israelite photographic missiles – one is captured, but the other manages to flee, carrying all of the information gathered. The Israelites then learn of the new Ekronean military branch, and the Israelite judge orders the creation of the Zeroa haMeydah (Intelligence Branch) with the same purpose. The Sages oppose the creation of this military branch, claiming it will demand Israelites to break the religious laws, but the conflict is settled after it is declared that such violations will only take place in order to prevent Israelite casualties. The Ekroneans make public the existence of their "spy agency" after they learn that one of their spies is captured, and claim the Israelites had made their intelligence branch first and were already gathering intel on the KUC, KOM, KOQ and Ekronean kingdom. To bolster their claims, they leak some of secret information gathered by their own spies as if these were gathered by the Israelites. This creates tension between Meshol Yisrel and all the other nations, leading to the mobilisation of armies to the Israelite border. The Israelite judge sends messengers to the Ishmaelite and KUC kings to ensure their spy agency was created only after they discovered a Ekronean spy, and shared more info with them. In order to help relieve tensions with these two countries, all the knowledge of the suborbital missions was shared with them (although the Israelites withheld some information from the KUC king). This move leads to the withdrawal of their armies from Israelite border and other countries do the same shortly after, but tensions are still high. By the end of the year, a joint mission between Ishmaelites and Israelites launch a suborbital rocket with a payload capable of automatic gliding using mechanical devices and a clockwork (a drone). The mission is a technological success, and a more military version, is tested shortly after, capable of taking pictures in predicted time, with an automated flight over the Betyamit island and soft landing near the Ayalon city – this was a partial success, since their guidance system couldn't account and adjust for winds. Aerial pictures of the island are taken for the first time.
252 AC: During a test flight of a more advanced Ishmaelite-Israelite automated drone, a failure happens, and the drone goes way off course and falls near an Ekronean military base a few thousand cubits from the Israel-Ekronas border. Noticing the Israelite markings and mistaking it for an attack missile, the Ekroneans launch a surprise barrage of missile on an Israelite military base near the border, killing several soldiers. This leads to a massive Israelite counter-attack on the several Ekronean military bases, some attacks using missiles and some by ground troops. An all-out war breaks out between the two nations, that lasts for almost 3 months. Only during ceasefire negotiations that the Israelites learn that the cause was their drone (the Israelites initially though that the drone and its booster had exploded mid-flight), which was already being analysed by Ekronean scientists. The Israelites claimed no knowledge of the drone (which was being called a missile by the mislead Ekroneans and the misleading Israelites), and the Ishmaelites also claim no knowledge of it. Seizing the opportunity, the Israelites offer the captured Ekronean spy and ask for "information" on the "new weapon", to what the Ekroneans initially agree – when the captured spy is returned to the Ekroneans, he is killed on the spot by his own countrymen for not concealing the existence of their intelligence branch, and the Ekroneans say they will not deliver information on the technology that will be gathered from the "weapon". The ceasefire is settled on the same borders as before the war.
253 AC: A drone is independently developed by the Moabites and the KUC, on both cases without photography capabilities. The Israelites learn that the Ekroneans and other countries are on the verge of having the same capabilities, and then make public their intelligence gathering drone, making public displays of its flight over the city of Mevo Gelo. At the request of the new Ekronean king, Ekronas and the Moabite Kingdom make a military and technological alliance for the development of their own drone based on the Israelite drone that fell on Ekronas. The KUC and the independent cities also make treaties with the same goal. The Memshal Yisrel goes a step further and reveal their suborbital missions and all the gathered knowledge with these missions. Copies of the pictures taken on suborbital flights are made, showing the curvature of the planet for the first time, and are distributed among the Israelite universities (now there are 6 of them), as well as sent as "gift" to the kings of all the other nations and independent cities. The disclosure of these missions is a way of claiming, indirectly, that Memshal Yisrel has the capability of launching very powerful rockets and bombs against any target in the continent. It is now estimated that at least one of these suborbital flights reached 600km above the surface. The return vehicle used a thick layer of wood as thermal shield for re-entry (although temperatures are not very high such as when a vehicle comes from orbital velocities). The KUC makes advancements in medicine, such as an improved catalogue of anatomy (with precise drawings and pictures), new medicines, and what seems to be the first vaccine, against flu, by using blood from recovered patients and separating the white cells (the vaccine in some cases lead to strong reactions, but it's still considered a breakthrough). The Ekronean astronomer known only as "Master Yamani" maps the orbits of Mezuhar (Keléshtevadáran), Kokhab Hamat (internal planet) and Gelo itself. He also helps develop the first steam engine (by using a design similar to that of an aeolipile created on Ancient Greece, Earth) - the technology soon is researched for stronger engines capable of powering smaller but faster mills throughout Gelo.
254 AC: Civil unrest in Meshol Yisrel, as some people begin asking for a king like the other nations, and other factions claiming it’s not time to choose a king, prompting the Judge Shemayah to assemble the Sages of the Supreme Court of Priests - they are unanimous to call for the people to calm down, because it is not time for a king to be chosen for Yisrel. The declaration from the Sages seem to calm most of the people down; a small group of rebels remain, but no violence is recorded caused by this issue. The Ekroneans, seeing the possibility of destabilising the Israelites from within, begin negotiations with these rebels, but not much progress is made. The KUC becomes the most powerful military on the planet, owning several precision missiles, which is perceived as a strong military threat by the two Canaanite Peninsula's City-States (Qart Magharba and Akhazib; northwest of the main continent).

260 AC: The Ekronean king sees the military might of the KUC, and orders a draft to boost the number of soldiers in the army. Also, there is an increase in taxes to compensate for the new spending. In the middle of the year, a piece of asteroid or comet around 10 cubits in diameter explodes in the atmosphere above Qart Hadasht; the shockwave shakes buildings, and the king Ethba'al II is killed, together with all of his sons and wife, when the Palace collapses; the leader of the KUC army calls himself Ethba'al III and takes the throne after killing the former king's son-in-law and forcibly marrying his own daughter. However, the political instability in the KUC and the civil unrest - to which the new king used its own military to supress the rebels, who accused the new king of killing the previous one - leads to a coordinated attack by the Ekroneans and the two Canaanite Peninsula's cities, who seize several villages and cities near the border. The KUC takes more than a month to send its troops who were stationed in the north to the border with Ekronas, where the battle was supposed to be more demanding. Although the two cities' armies were in a much smaller number, the geography of the region facilitated for ambushes, and the tactics of these cities' armies were developed precisely for guerrilla warfare; seeing they were losing several soldiers to the two cities' armies while almost no casualties were being inflicted upon them, the KUC accepted to end the war where the new borders were marked by the end of the year. With the end of the war on the western front, the KUC focused its military might towards the Ekroneans, who also started using guerrilla tactics but with a smaller degree of success. Both sides excavated trenches and began using shoulder-launched rockets towards the other side; the Ekronean army managed to penetrate almost 200 thousand cubits (around 100km) into the KUC territory before the trenches were established. Also, the new king is heavily attacking the rebels, who began to take on arms against the new king. The Israelites take a more practical approach to the KUC's steam engine and apply it in the production of other materials, such as fabric. First steam-powered train is created on Meshol Yisrel, and the First Industrial Revolution begins; the technology and idea are soon adapted by other nations.
262 AC: A climate change leads to a decrease in rainfall throughout the planet, and a famine begins. During the entire year, no rain falls in the Central Desert for the first time in recorded history. Food storage begins to be used in several cities, except in the area of the independent Canaanite City-States, which still can depend on the agriculture due to the moisture coming northward from the strait. By the end of the year, the war between the KUC and Ekronas ends, with a pale victory by Ekronas, which managed to hold to the conquered territories for the las two years - the war leaves more than 50 thousand dead, and was likely ended due to the famine. Also, the internal fighting in the KUC ends, with the last rebels being burned alive inside the Nagabi village, together with its civil population (which was being held as hostages), hours before the New Year - it's estimated that 2 to 5 thousand people died in this event.
265 AC: A new weather change brings relieve for the famine, but it doesn't end completely. The Israelites and the Moabites fare better during the famine, but the Ishmaelites lose almost a quarter of its population, even with Israelite's help. The Ekronean king Akhayos I (sometimes spelled Ekheyos) dies of a mysterious disease, which caused "his eyes, nose and ears to bleed to death while causing an excruciating pain". His son contracts the same disease, but survives, and is acclaimed as the king Akhayos II a few months later. A war breaks out between the Moabites and the Ekroneans, and some battles occur even in Israelite and Ishmaelite territories, which are immediately answered by these two nations - it's unknown why these incursions in neutral territories happened, since both sides of the war seemed to not know about it until they were under attack from either the Israelites or the Ishmaelites. The war lasts a month, and ends on a draw, mainly due to the outbreak of a disease of the same kind as the one who killed the Ekronean king. Troops on both sides take time to return to their cities.
266 AC: After the return of the troops, an epidemy spreads through Moab and Ekronas, killing around 15 thousand people during the year. The Meshol Yisrel, Kingdom of Qedar and the KUC close borders to Moabite and Ekronean merchants, and the Israelites go to the extent of killing on the spot Moabites and Ekroneans who infiltrated into Meshol Yisrel's border, covering the dead bodies with rocks and avoiding physical contact with the dead, and the valley on Israelite-Moabite border is called Valley of Death's Shadow to this day (this extreme measure frightened people trying to seek refuge on Yisrel, and so they went to other areas, far from large urban centres, in their own territories). The Ishmaelites do the same. First reports of the disease on Hekal Shamem, Ba'al Saphon and Hekal Saphon (the three northernmost Canaanite City-States). Some Israelite cities on Yisrel-Ekronas border are also affected, but to a lesser extent. Also, during the year, strong aurorae are reported, sometimes reaching as far as Qart Hadasht (KUC's capital) in the north hemisphere and Ekronas (Ekronean capital) in the south hemisphere - the unusual aurorae return to normal by the end of the year. The epidemy also seems to weaken by the same time.
269 AC: The planet Mezuhar (Keléshtevadáran) brightens unusually (now believed to be an unusual high-altitude cloud build-up that occurred during maximum approximation), and astrologers in the Canaanite cities and KUC are killed for not predicting the "bad sign" as the brightening of the planet was thought to represent the overthrowing of their kings. The Ekroneans, however, consider it to be a good sign for their people, and the king Akhayos II launches again a conquest campaign on the KUC; with KUC's troops morale low and Ekronas's morale high, more and more KUC cities are being conquered. The epidemy ends by the middle of the year, leaving a total of 60 thousand deaths.
270 AC: By the end of the year, the Ekronean army reaches the Kina'an Strait, and the main KUC port city of Gebal Midnaha, the closest city to the Canaanite City-States' ports on the northern side of the Kina'an Strait, dealing a heavy blow to KUC trade. The KUC calls on a coalition of the armies of all the independent cities to battle against the Ekroneans, but since these cities had smaller armies and were way less advanced than the rest of the nations, these counter-attacks had little effect, and the independent cities abandon the war; then, the Ekronean army reaches 100 thousand cubits (around 50km) from the KUC's capital, Qart Hadasht. The war between Ekronas and KUC ends, with the Ekroneans keeping all the conquered territories and the KUC becoming a vassal state. During the war and fearing a military campaign against its own territory, Meshol Yisrel's army calls on the Israelites to train for the war, and all man from 8 to 26 years-old (16 to 51 Earth years) are trained for battle (except the Levites of Priestly ascent); the Israelites have been without a Judge since 268 AC, and the Israelite nation is being commanded by the newly created Council of Sages (a council made of 2 Sages from each Israelite tribe) and the Supreme Court of Priests. An earthquake hits the ocean floor on the other side of the planet, and tsunami with waves as high as 10 cubits (5 meters) hit east and west coast of the continent, and waves up to 3 cubits (around 1,5 meter) hits the north and south coasts. Several hundred thousand dead throughout Gelo; Meshol Yisrel was the least affected, since most of its coastal cities were located a few meters above the sea level (the new Ayalon is located near a cliff on the seashore that is at least 60 cubit/30 meters high). Ekronas lose the newly-conquered city of Gebal Midnaha, with the tsunami leaving the city in ruins; also, several Ekronean coastal cities are destroyed, such as the (twice rebuilt) 50-thousand-inhabitants city of Ashdod. Other nations are also hit. It's estimated that this catastrophe caused in general 80 thousand direct deaths.
272 AC: Several missile attacks on Ekronas from Moabite territory, to which the Moabite king (unknown) claimed no knowledge and no order to the attacks. Either way, Ekronas conquers 8 major Moabite cities near the eastern Ekronas-Moab border, beginning the Moabite-Ekronean war. The Ekroneans take advantage to the fact that most of its troops are stationed also near the Kingdom of Qedar's border, and attempt to invade the small nation; the attack is a complete failure, and several Ekronean troops are massacred - the Ishmaelites claimed to have lost not a single soldier. The Ekronean army gives up on invading the Ishmaelite nation and focus on the Moabites; they focus the attack to the easter provinces of the Moabite kingdom, reaching the Moabite capital Hasrot-Moab only four months after the beginning of the war (the king and all the ministers flee to the city of Dibun), and they reach the southern coast a month later. The Israelites begin training also women from age 10 to 20 years-old (20 to 39 Earth years) in combat, fearing they will be the next target; new Judge acclaimed, Moshe ben Yiftah. The king Akhaios II come in person to boost Ekronean army's morale on newly-conquered Moabite territory (which was already high after the sequence of victories), and offer a surrender deal to the Moabite king: become a vassal state just like KUC or he will invade and conquer the whole country. The Moabite king refuses, he and his ministers flee during the night to Megrab; the Ekronean army decides to wait three weeks expecting the Moabite king to send a messenger accepting the offer. After the three weeks, the Ekronean army begin attacking cities from east to west; to their surprise, they found several cities burning or already burned, with no provisions left behind and no inhabitants, as they fled towards the west; the Ekronean army was growing tired and food was beginning to be scarce due to the "scorched earth" tactics.

273 AC: A few weeks after the New Year, the Moabite king send a messenger to the Ekronean king accepting vassalage to him, and the war ends. The Ekronean empire now stretches from the Southern Sea to the Kina'an Strait. The Israelites and the Ishmaelites train together and sign a deal of mutual defence, fearing the now super-powerful Ekronean Army. The Ekronean king dies, and is succeeded by his son Kalyat III, who stops the conquest campaigns and focus on managing the conquered territories. The two Canaanite Peninsula's cities, Qart Magharba and Akhazib, join together in a democracy - the first one on Gelo -, called State of Canaan (Madintá deKiná'an), with its capital being the city of Sur, which is located on the two City-States' former border; the decision was made by the kings of both cities and the transition was peaceful; all free Canaanite male citizens above the age of 10 (around 20 in Earth years) were able to vote for a "nessí" (similar to a president) which should serve for 5 years (around 10 Earth years); former Akhazib's ambassador to Qart Magharba, Zaqer-Ba'al, is elected. The newly-formed State of Canaan offers military and commercial deals with the Israelites and the Canaanite independent City-States in the north; also, better roads and improved city sanitation plans are made to improve its population's standard of living.
283 AC: Under the pressure of its younger counsellors and the chief of the army, the Ekronean king orders the invasion of Meshol Yisrel on three fronts: north, east and south (from occupied Moabite territory). The Israelite Army was being prepared for this very scenario, and the Israelite judge goes to fight with his troops to the North front. A young prophet and priest, called Shime'on ben Yihonyah, takes the lead in the East front - legend says that he prayed and a storm quickly formed, causing a flash flood that swept across the Ekronean camp and troops, then his troops killed the surviving Ekronean soldiers from afar with precision rifles (it's estimated that 2 thousand Ekronean soldiers died during this battle alone, including the ones killed by the flash flood). The Ishmaelites honoured the deal with the Israelites and sent a barrage of missiles and artillery against Ekronean positions on the south - the Ekronean Army tried to invade Qedar's territory, but again failed due to the Qedari Army's guerrilla tactics combined with the geography of the place. The Israelites fired several long-range missiles with high-yield payloads aiming at the city of Ekronas, with at least two hits in the middle of the city, killing dozens and injuring hundreds. A group of 10 Israelite spies had infiltrated in the city of Ekronas a few days prior to the outbreak of the war with the mission to find and kill the Ekronean king in case of war; one of them was killed in the missile attack on the city, while the remaining nine followed with the plan, successfully killing the Ekronean king and fleeing back to Meshol Yisrel with the body of the dead spy. The Israelites attacked Ekronean positions in the south with light bombs by flying high above enemy positions with gliders launched from the Qedari Plateau. The Ishmaelites develop a "lightweight", steam-powered engine, and use it to pull a cart, the idea gets attention and is used to help pull the gliders and ammunition to the top of the plateau. The son of Kalyat III (along with his only brother) is killed by another group of Israelite spies moments before claiming the throne, effectively ending the Rapa dynasty. War efforts are then temporarily managed by the Army Chief known as Kasluh the Akhayite (Akhay being the clan where he comes from).
284 AC: The Israelites and the Ishmaelites manage to break the Ekronean defensive lines in the South front, advancing rapidly towards the coastal city of Bet Lut, reaching the city the next month, thus cutting the vassal Moabite kingdom from the Ekroneans. The Ekronean ministers declare Kasluh as the new Ekronean king. The North and the East fronts are ordered to keep positions and not advance, while most of the Israelite Army was focused on the South front. Six months of attacks and the Israelite-Ishmaelite forces (by then being called the Alliance Forces) reach Dibun, the capital of the Ekronean Moab Province, and the Ekronean Army retreats. The Ekroneans begin to apply the "scorched earth" doctrine, but the Alliance Forces do not want to advance. The war ends on the South front, and Israelite troops move to the North front while the Ishmaelites remain in the south to oversee the newly-conquered territories. The troops reach the North front 2 months later (mainly helped by train lines that were already operating at some areas in the Central Desert), and they focus their attacks towards the KUC.

285 AC: The Israelites reach the northern part of the border with the KUC by the middle of the year, helped by troops from the State of Canaan and the KUC. The Israelites begin attacking in the East front towards the capital city of Ekronas, and by the end of the year they reach close enough to begin using artillery against the city. The Ekronean king then sends a delegation to the Israelites offering a surrender meeting, to which the Israelite Judge accepts. The surrender terms include the retreat from all the provinces conquered from the Moabites, the city of Mevo Gelo (the original city in Gelo) and all the stockpile of Ekronean missiles be sent to the Israelites, and in exchange Ekronas could remain with the rest of its territories, even though the Israelites were already deep within proper Ekronas - no vassalage was required. After the war ended, the Israelites wanted to retreat from the Southern provinces, but the Ishmaelites decided to keep these lands - the Moabite king demanded its territories be given back, but both Israelites and Ishmaelites refused because the Kingdom of Moab didn't send any troops to help fight the Ekroneans. Conquered territories of the Kingdom of United Canaan were returned to them by the Israelites in exchange for financial compensations to be paid over a period of 10 years. The State of Canaan didn't receive any financial compensations, however got a deal of exporting goods to both the Israelites and the KUC free of taxes while keeping the taxes (although low) for importing from these countries, helping boost the local economy.
286 AC: During Israelite archaeological excavations in Mevo Gelo, the original city on the planet, several artifacts made of metal (now known to be a titanium-aluminium-niobium alloy) hidden inside a chamber in the central tower of the old city. Other artifacts are found later, like the perfect cubes of crystalline silica. One artifact, located in the very middle of the chamber, is a box with a horizontal, transparent-glass screen. These artifacts are covered in inscriptions similar to those associated to the Captors. The discovery reignites the debate on the identity of the Captors. The Israelites transfer these artifacts to Bet Shemes, where they will be exhibited to the population. Everyone believes these are either ornaments or ritualistic art. A mechanical computing machine is developed on the State of Canaan by a group of mathematicians seeking to help make astronomical calculations faster; the government orders the creation of new computing machines to aid in the technological development of its army. When the news of such device reaches other nations, each one seeks to develop their own versions of it. A scientist called Abed-Ba'al bar No'am, from the University of Hekal Shamem, discover that magnetism is generated by electricity and that magnetism can induce electricity; he and his pupils help create the first electrical motor. By the end of the year, a small-scale war breaks out between the independent Canaanite cities of Bet Ashtart and Dor over agricultural land, with the city of Dor winning the war and keeping the conquered land.
298 AC: Both the Moabites and the Ekroneans manage to develop, independently, a steam-powered electricity generator. The Kingdom of United Canaan signs mutual defence treaty with Meshol Yisrel and a definitive peace accord with the State of Canaan. War breaks out between Hekal Shamem and Ba'al Saphon, the reason for the war was lost but it's assumed that Ba'al Saphon forbade them to transport by land Hekal Shamem's products that were meant to Hekal Saphon and Qart Yama deMidnaha. Since Hekal Shamem is located on the two islands of the same name, its navy had to cross the strait to reach Ba'al Saphon's troops and then battle them on land; after three months of war, the two other affected cities sent their troops in Hekal Shamem's aid, and the coalition of three City-States against a lone one proved to be overwhelming, and the war ended seven months after it began. The city of Ba'al Saphon is completely destroyed, all army male was killed, children were taken as slaves by the winners, and most (if not all) women from the age of 5 (10 Earth years) and above were raped; also, nearly 100 Ba'al Saphon's new-borns were offered as sacrifices to their gods. By the end of the year, a powerful explosive eruption in the Ethanath volcano; most of its pyroclastic cloud heads towards the sea, and the sound of the explosion was so strong that it could be heard on the western shores of Dor, 4200km away.
301 AC: Civil unrest in Ekronas, due to the high taxes paid by the population. Clashes happen in Ashkelun, Ekronas and Deganas, which are rapidly suppressed by the army. King Kasluh II tries to appease the population by decreasing taxes, although this does not have the desired effect. The Philistine nation also faces a religious divide: one side is willing to follow the old religion, similar to the Canaanites, which has several gods on its pantheon; the other side, however, is developing further the worship of Deganas, Be'lat Selan and Ba'al (sometimes called "The Higher Family"), and the "Book of the Higher Family" is completed by the Ekronean priest and prophet Ba'al-Haman at the Ekronean city of Mevo Gelo (built east to the original Mevo Gelo, which is on the Israelite side of the border). Also, the "familists" (as they are called) revived (or created) what's called as the original Ecronean language a few years after arriving on Mevo Gelo. The other group, called "traditionalists", keep following the adopted Canaanite religion, with some small changes, as was practiced before the Capture, over 300 years ago (around 600 Earth years).
309 AC: The Moabites have developed their army, increasing the number of soldiers and building better equipments. The Moabite king, Aglun IV, asks the Ishmaelite king Ishma'el IV to retreat from the territories it occupied during the war with Ekronas. The Ishmaelite king refuses, and mobilises its army after discovering the Moabite army was already stationed at the border. The South and Southeast provinces, as these regions were being called by the Ishmaelites, have been under KOQ occupation for 24 years (around 48 Earth years). The Moabite army attacks on the border of proper KOQ and the occupied territories, trying to cut the military lines between these areas, and were unsuccessful. The Ishmaelites manage to counter-attack, but the northeast front of the war becomes a war of trenches, with little to no territorial gain for both sides. The Moabites then make a push at the southern coastal region, and after several months the Moabites have entered almost 300 thousand cubits (around 150km) into the region. Then the Moabites encircle the western part of the Moab's Mountain Ridge, cutting supply lines to Ishmaelite troops on the area. Revolts against the Ishmaelites arise all over the occupied territories, suppressed by the Ishmaelite army. The war is far from over. The Qedari king asks for Israelite support, and the Israelites send expeditionary forces to help fight the internal rebellion. Although the Israelites and the Moabites share a border, they do not clash directly.
312 AC: The Moabites manage to take control over a thin strip of land around 100 thousand cubits wide (~50km), 750 thousand cubits long, at the seashore. The Qedaris are not ready to give up on the occupied lands, and continue to fight with greater zeal. The Ishmaelite-Israelite alliance manage to hold most of the territories, while the situation is worsening due to internal uprisings, but with the arrival of Israelite troops the situation seems to ease in the home front. With the Israelite judge's death two years ago, the Israelite response began to be slower, due to disagreements among the leaders of the Supreme Court (a fusion between the Supreme Court of Priests and the Council of Sages enacted by Shime'on ben Yihonyah).
313 AC: The Moabites launch an assault on the eastern front, which is quickly thwarted by the Alliance, and they do not attempt another assault during the rest of the year. The Ishmaelites use their skirmisher troops to attack the Moabites on their soil, but the Moabites, who have the support of 400 heavy infantrymen, quickly repel the Ishmaelite cavalry. The Ishmaelites manage to slowly take control of the Moabite-occupied territories, but as they advance further, the Moabites reorganize their army.

315 AC: The war is going for 6 years (around 12 Earth years), and both sides are already feeling the severe effects of a prolonged war. The Alliance sends a message to the Moabite king, offering it to keep the reconquered territories in exchange for a ceasefire. The Moabites have so far reconquered a strip of land 200 thousand cubits wide (around 100km) and stretching almost halfway to the east shore. The king Aglun IV agrees to a ceasefire, and gives up on the eastern provinces and its population; the population of the KOM receives the news as a sign of victory over the more powerful Alliance army and their king is hailed as a liberator of Moabite lands, but the Moabite population on the occupied territories sees it as a sign that the rest of the Moabites, as well as their king, was turning their backs on them, and this sense of abandonment weakens (temporarily) the uprisings against the Alliance forces. An inventor from the Kingdom of United Canaan develops the first type of electric telegraph, and manages to send messages across two houses through the wires; the government sees a great potential for use in the military, and funds further development of the technology, as well as the mass production of these telegraphic units, and seeks to substitute the fire and smoke signals that have been used so far to send fast messages across great distances. The power source is a large chemical battery, which have been significantly improved since its first creation in 187 AC, but still need to be constantly changed.
318 AC: The Israelites manage to create their own version of the telegraph using different design and method. While the KUC's telegraph uses two wires to send signals in pairs by means of a code (similar in methodology to the morse code, in which a letter is marked by several sequential pulses), the Israelites use a six-wire method to send six different pulses at once, each corresponding to a letter, and then a complex machinery on the other side prints the correspondent stripes (the machine looks like an Earth's typing machine, but bigger and heavier). This allows to send faster messages, and begins to be used in the Israelite military. The new technology is shared with the Ishmaelites. By the end of the year, almost every nation and city-state has managed to replicate the KUC's telegraph, each one using different codes for their communications. The Israelites and the Ekroneans create a direct telegraphic line (using KUC's type) to help prevent "avoidable" wars between both sides; another telegraphic line (using Israelite type) is created between Meshol Yisrel and the Kingdom of Qedar.
322 AC: The internal rift in the Israelite society grows bigger, and the Ekroneans seize the opportunity to try to influence the Israelites from within, and there is no judge governing the Israelites. While the Supreme Court and its supporters try to keep the status quo on the issue of the government, the monarchist group, led by Eliram ben Haim, from the tribe of Judah, try to overthrow the Supreme Court as the political ruling body and establish a monarchy. Although violence has not yet occurred, most manifestations happen in the greatest cities. The Ekronean army is further organised and properly trained. The State of Canaan cut commercial ties with the Israelites over the political instability of the country; however, the Israelites still allow free pass through its territory for goods to be exchanged with the KOQ. The Moabites do not try to take advantage on the situation fearing the small but recovered and now even stronger Qedari army.
323 AC: The Israelite unrest leads to a civil war between the two factions, leaving dozens of thousands of deaths. It's hard to establish frontiers between the factions, as in most cases the cities were entirely mixed, with one city being pro-Supreme Court while its neighbouring city being pro-monarchy. The country dives into a chaos, and by the end of the year, Eliram ben Haim seeks Ekronean help to fight off the pro-Supreme Court troops after securing territories near the Ekronas-Yisrel's border. The Ekronean army enters Israelite territory, and begin controlling several areas of the country. Claiming to be a transitory measure, the Ekroneans put Eliram as a vassal king to the Ekroneans over the now-occupied territories. The fisrt severe famine hits Gelo, mainly caused by drought. It's believed the parent star had a big decrease in luminosity and, combined with intense volcanism on the planet and on the planet's moon, this led to a measurable decrease in rain patterns; historical records mention that "the star is becoming cold, the skies are reddish, and the Moon is burning", leading to several religious manifestations throughout the planet. The famine lasts seven years and kills aproximately 400,000 people.

325 AC: The Supreme Court, attempting to avoid a greater bloodshed, offers to surrender to the Ekroneans and the pro-monarchists. The proposal is readily accepted, and the now vassal king Eliram asks for mercy on their behalf, as the Supreme Court is still considered of religious importance. Trying to prevent uprisings, the Ekroneans accept on the condition that the Supreme Court will deal only with matters of Israelite religion and not with politics. The Ekronean Empire now stretches from east to west on the main continent, and they manage to put their hands on the best technological advances made by the Israelites, which further strengthens their army. The Ekroneans assure the Israelite population that the current situation is purely a protective measure, and the independence will be given to the Israelites as soon as calm is restored. Fearing the Ekronean Army, the Kingdom of United Canaan, the State of Canaan and the Ishmaelites make a mutual defence alliance. The independent city-states later join the military alliance. The Moabites attack the Ishmaelites on the occupied territories, but the attack is a complete disaster, and they agree to a ceasefire by the end of the year.
328 AC: After the vassal Israelite king Eliram dies, and the Ekroneans assign a more pro-Ekronean minister, Abimalekh ben Kholyates, son to an Israelite mother but to an Ekronean father. This decision sparks constant Israelite rebellion, which is also constantly crushed by the Ekronean army. Several Israelites flee to the Ishmaelite-occupied territories in the south, and find refuge there; many of them serve the Ishmaelite king and in the Qedari army. A prophet, called Yossef ben Yo'ezer, from the tribe of Benjamin, speaks to the people that they should accept this punishment as penitence over their sins, and when the wrath of G-d ends, they will regain their sovereignty; on several occasions, the Israelite population almost killed him with stones. The Supreme Court backs the prophet, and claim he will be the last prophet to arise. Due to the words of the prophet sounding like pro-occupation, the Ekroneans do not try to kill him, and sometimes even tried to honour him, but he refuses. The Ekronean king orders the exploration of the Israelite's natural resources, and this brings forth wealth to the Ekronean population.
339 AC: The Israelite prophet dies on the ninth day of the eleventh regular month (the same day the first Israelite temple was destroyed), and the Supreme Court declares a day of mourning. On the very next day, the Israelites clash with the Ekronean army, and the city of Bet Abib is burned down with most of its population inside. This brings fear to the Israelites, and the rebellion loses momentum. An inventor from the City-State of Hamat creates a telegraph capable of sending black-and-white images. An engineer for the Kingdom of Moab creates a device capable of sending voice through wire; although it's very primitive, the human voice can (barely) be understood on the other side. A Hekal Saphon's physician discovers better methods for the creation of vaccines, and the complex knowledge on how to do it is sold for large amounts of money for anyone willing to buy; this helps to boost local economy.

345 AC: With a quieter situation on the Israelite provinces, the Ekronean army now invades and conquer the Qedari provinces on the south, occupied from the Moabites. There is a fierce battle, and both sides use almost its entire cache of missiles on each other during the war. The Ishmaelites, seeing the impossibility of fighting a much more powerful Ekronean army, retreat from the easternmost provinces in favour of concentrating the army in a much smaller area. By the end of the year, all Ishmaelites (army and civilians) retreat to the central province. The war also took a heavy toll on the Ekroneans, who finish their campaign and sign a ceasefire with the Ishmaelites. The Moabites mobilise their army, but after learning that the Ekroneans ended the war, they retreat.
346 AC: The administrator Abimalekh ben Kholyates dies; the Ekroneans assign an Ekronean minister, known only as Mitinti, to be governor over the Israelite provinces. The Israelite Supreme Court is moved from Bet Shemes to Tel Abib, a new city near the destroyed city of Bet Abib. Further advances in technology, medicine and astronomy are made throughout the planet; one of the main propositions is that the dark region of the planet Mezuhar (Keléshtevadáran) is an ocean, and also the "high altitude cloud build-up" is first described.
348 AC: Moabites in now-Ekronean-occupied areas rebel against the Ekroneans due to harsh laws being applied, such as the obligation of virgin Moabite women to have sex with the local Ekronean administrator – according to Moabite practices, a man will not marry a woman who is not virgin, and at best these women are taken as concubines or forced to serve as sex priestess in the Moabite religion. The Ekronean army manages to control the riots, which die out by the end of the year, leaving hundreds of Moabites killed and thousands more injured.
356 AC: Canaanite scientists at the Hamat University (one of the Canaanite city-states) creates electric lamp.
362 AC: A female student at the Qart Hadasht University known only as Ashtar-Ya’al (other sources call her Ashtar-Libana), develops a method of transmitting telegraphic signs via radiofrequency. The device is rudimentary and can reach 25 cubits (around 12 metres) at best, but serves as a proof of concept. However, she’s discredited by the majority of the other scientists (for being a woman) and is called a lunatic, and the device is forgotten. Under pressure from her professors, she quits the university studies, and later she kills herself by jumping from the top of the university building where she studied. She was buried in the Suicidal Cemetery, where people are buried in secret and no markings of his/her name can be placed. Her 6-year-old (around 12 Earth years) daughter was sentenced to two years of sexual slavery to pay for the debts of her deceased mother, since her father had died years prior; she also killed herself, after 6 months into the sentence. A ten-year-long drought and famine begins throughout the planet, affecting everybody, causing the biggest populational reduction in Geloan history, estimated to have caused over 600,000 deaths.
366 AC: The Ekronean minister Rapa, son of Ake-Dagan of the Akhayite clan, begins a revolution against the current Ekronean king, Pekhol I. The Akhayite clan is a “Traditionalist”, and they demand their religion be practiced in all of Ekronas, while the king Pekhol, is a “Familist”. The Familists have been far more tolerant with other religions, including the Israelite’s, and the acceptance of the Familist religion has grown throughout Ekronas. The radical “Traditionalists”, led by Rapa, attacks the capital Ekronas, but they are forced to flee by the Royal Guard. Skirmishes occur frequently, and some terrorist bomb attacks are made to any place of worship that is not Traditionalist – the Israelite small temples (similar to Earth’s synagogues) are attacked even within Ekronean-occupied Israelite territories, and similar attacks happen to the Moabites. Tensions are being exarcebated due to the severe drought and famine.
370 AC: The Traditionalists led by Rapa gains acceptance by the majority of the army. When they arrive, some soldiers of the Royal Guard begin attacking each other. In the middle of the confusion, Rapa manages to enter the Palace with his personal guards. They kill all male heirs to the throne, rape and kill all of Pekhol’s daughters and granddaughters, and then Rapa kills Pekhol (which was already a very old man) by throwing him from the balcony of the Palace, in the eyes of the entire population. After killing the king, Rapa claims the throne right there, calls himself Rapa I and declares the “rise of the Traditionalist dynasty, which will last for all eternity” (his words). He’s hailed as king by the Ekronean troops stationed in the city, and the population is forced to bow to the new king. The KUC king, who had been covertly helping the Traditionalists, send messengers to the new king blessing him on the position; the king Rapa I sends messengers guaranteeing he’ll give up on the Ekronean-occupied KUC territories after he manages to stabilise the country.
372 AC: Civil unrest between the Familists and the Traditionalists, with rebellions occurring throughout the country. The Ekronean army is sent to take care of the conquered lands, but a militia comprised of Traditionalist radicals is created by the king to guarantee the order in the city and to instil fear in the non-Traditionalist populations. The king also orders the priests and the University of Ekronas to do research on the old Philistine language; his plan is to recover the old language to replace the current Ekronean language, which is heavily associated with the Familist religion (and was actually created by the Familists in the 1st century AC by merging old non-Semitic words and syntax with Semitic words and syntax of the language they had adopted). The famine and drought ends, and the population will slowly recover.
378 AC: Seeing that the country could fall apart due to the harsh laws enacted against non-Traditionalists, the king then orders the creation of an annual tax to be paid by the non-Traditionalists in exchange for an annual permit to having a religious temple, as long as the rebellion that had spread throughout the country stops. Upon learning the news, the majority of the cities see the end of the violence; the violence began to lose momentum after the deployment of the Traditionalist Militia in Ekronas, Askelun and Kat, which brutally killed the rioters. The law of the religious tax, however, does not apply to Moabites and Israelites, who remain forbidden.
382 AC: The new KUC king, Tabnit IV bar Abiram II, sends a delegation to the Ekronean king. They discuss the promise of returning the KUC lands conquered over 100 years (~200 Earth years) prior, in 270 AC. The king Rapa I then requires a financial compensation for these lands but, as a gesture of good will, he’d give full religious freedom to the Canaanites living in the Punic Province of the Ekronean Kingdom. The KUC delegation leaves not on very good terms, as the delegation reminds the king Rapa I that the king Abiram had backed him since the beginning with financial support and military training. Civil unrest in the Qedari-occupied Moabite territories, as the region sees a huge influx of Israelites and Moabites fleeing Ekronean-controlled areas; the Israelites are welcomed, but many Moabites are barred and returned to the Ekronean Army at the border.
391 AC: The last Ekronean king, Obed-Dagan II, dies of high fever. His firstborn is still only 4-years-old (8 Earth years) and, since the king declared a law saying that someone is only fit to be king if above 8-years-old (16 Earth years) a few weeks prior to his death, then a regency was declared. This situation led to speculations of a coup d’état by the hands of the ministers, some accused of being secretly Familists by the Traditionalist radicals. The Traditionalist Militia and the Ekronean Army clash on several cities, but a full-blown civil war seems to be out of question. The young to-be king Obed-Dagan III and his mother are taken to a secret place by the Traditionalists to avoid any possible assassination attempts, to what the ministers immediately agree. This situation leads to elevated tensions throughout the Ekronean Kingdom, as well as the neighbouring countries, all of which mobilise their armies to the Ekronean border, fearing that the regent ministers or the Traditionalist Militia would try to start a war to ease the internal tensions.
396 AC: The king Obed-Dagan II is crowned in the Palace to the eyes of everybody in Ekronas. The king then mobilises the Traditional Militia to the northern parts of the country, where the situation seems to be more stable, while the Ekronean Army is sent to the southern parts of the country, in a possible preparation for a war with the Kingdom of Qedar. Fearing this may be a preparation to an attack on their soil, the KUC king forms a coalition with the SOC and the Canaanite city-states in the islands, and trainings happen frequently among them on KUC soil – this alliance is called Canaanite Coalition.
401 AC: The fragment of a comet about 50 cubits-wide (around 25 meters) impacts a few thousand cubits from the western edge of the Ram Golana/Rombada Deganas Plateau. The explosion is so strong it could be heard even in some Canaanite city-states. Several cities in the former Israelite territory are destroyed, including Bet-Shemes, with the city of Mevo Gelo suffering severe damage in some areas. It’s estimated that around 200,000 people died in this event alone, half of them Ekroneans who were settling in the region. The winds took the dust of the collision towards the area around Ekronas, where the skies turned reddish for three days before clearing. The crater it created is 20 thousand cubits (around 10km) in diameter, around 400 cubits deep (200 meters); the apparent distorted shape of the crater seems to suggest the comet exploded in the air right before impact, and the debris still had enough kinetic energy to create the crater, but were not too close to each other when they finally hit the ground – also, it’s believed the object entered the atmosphere in an almost 90° angle. According to many sources, a round comet was seen for days prior to the impact, and in the hours before the impact it moved through the skies really fast for anything previously seen; people from several places throughout Gelo believed it was the time to go back to the ancestral land/heaven (Earth) and the gods (or G-d, according to the Israelites) was about to take them back. A few weeks after the event, however, people moved on with their lives; since similar events have happened before, people were much less inclined to go extremist about these events, even though it still carried some mystical relevance.
404 AC: Another drought-caused famine begins. It ends only in 419 AC, leaving an estimated death toll of 30,000. It's believed that the cause of the drought was the release of dust particles and sulfur dioxide in the higher parts of the atmosphere by unusual volcanic eruptions on the planet's moon.
409 AC: The Ekronean king Obed-Dagan II dies, and less than a week later, both the Moabite and the KUC kings die as well; two months later, also the SOC president dies and, on the very same day, the Qedari king Qedar III dies, leaving no direct descendant, ending the 1st Qedari dynasty. This sequence of deaths of the world’s biggest superpowers’ leaders creates panic throughout the planet, which leads to a revival of religious practices in several regions where religion was slowly being put aside. The new king, Pekhol II, begins by easing the taxes on the non-Traditionalist temples, which gives him popularity; however, the Traditionalist Militia, now much bigger and with greater experience in combat, sees this as provocation, raising the tensions inside the Ekronean kingdom. With all the tensions and extremism arising in the Ekronean Kingdom, every nation turns their resources from study and scientific research to the military, fearing the ever growing might of the Ekronean Army and the Traditionalist Militia. The State of Canaan is the country that has the best quality of living, with the Kingdom of Qedar being a close second; the Ekronean Kingdom is the richest country on the planet, but also has the biggest population on the planet. The State of Canaan elects the first woman to serve as president, and one of the first laws she brings forth gives full voting rights to women, as well as requiring obligatory military service to women just like it is to men (unpopular measure, but accepted due to “the Ekronean threat”); her second main proposal, the abolishing of slavery, is barred by the Chamber of Ministers. After a short period of civil unrest, rises to power Adbe'el I, from the Tayma clan, thus initiating the 1st Taymanic dynasty.
431 AC: On his death bed, the king Pekhol II declares that the next king is Dagan-Malekh, his personal friend and commander of the Traditionalist Militia, on the ground of not having a male heir. However, after the king dies and before the announcement to the public, the second-in-command of the Traditionalist Militia kills Dagan-Malekh and declares to be the chosen king; he’s considered by many to be from a more moderate branch of the Traditionalist Militia.
438 AC: The Familists return to power by means of a coup d’état that overthrows the king Abimalekh IV and puts Kalyat IV as king; Abimalekh runs into hiding in the northern areas of the country. Seeing a window of opportunity, the Canaanite Coalition launches a surprise attack on the northern borders of the Ekronean Kingdom, which halts the internal fighting. Upon receiving the news of the Canaanite attacks in the north, the Moabites in the Southern Province rebel and begin an uprising against the Ekronean Kingdom; the Israelite Underground, backed by the Kingdom of Qedar, also rebel in several cities throughout the kingdom. The Ekronean Army in the south manages to supress the rebellion by the end of the year and, under king Kalyat’s orders, the army is stationed in a line from east to west to serve as a limit to the Traditionalist Militia in case they cease the war in the northern front and then turn their attention to the Ekronean capital to restore Abimalekh to power. The Canaanite Coalition manage to capture the iron and gold mines near the Great Lake, an important mining complex that supplied most of the Ekronean needs for iron. Skirmisher troops of the Canaanite Coalition attack several Traditionalist Militia’s positions along the shore of the Kina’an Strait; these attacks are coordinate with the Canaanite city-states’ navy, and aim to weaken the Ekronean positions for a ground invasion. The Israelite Underground, contacted by the State of Canaan’s secret service, destroy several missile bases near the border with the KUC.

441 AC: The Israelite Underground begins its organised uprising in the far west, backed by the Canaanite Coalition; the uprising is coordinated with the Moabites in the southern province, who rebel once more against the Ekronean Kingdom. The Kingdom of Qedar helps in secret both the Israelites and the eastern Moabites; in several occasions, the Qedaris directly attacked Ekronean troops in the Central Desert, but managed to keep the operations a secret by dressing its own soldiers as if they were Ekronean soldiers, preventing the central Ekronean government from knowing about the true nature of the attacks, who were being attributed to the Israelites or the eastern Moabites. By the end of the year, a ceasefire is signed between the Canaanite Coalition and the Ekronean Kingdom, in which the Canaanites could keep the conquered territories. The Israelite and the Moabite uprisings continue. On the New Year’s Eve, a bomb explodes in front of the Ekronean Royal Palace, killing several guards and injuring almost 100 civilians; the attack is believed to be made by Traditionalist radicals, but there is also the possibility that it was carried away by the eastern Moabites. The fight between Ekronean Traditionalists and Familists still is halted, but tensions are rising and several Traditionalists from the south are moving to the cities in the north, while the Familists in the north are moving to the cities in the south; the capital Ekronas sees several confrontations between both religious groups.
442 AC: The Traditionalists, led by Abimalekh IV’s son Rapa II, overthrow the Familist government, and the king Pekhol IV flees to a hiding place in the south. Trying to appease the Israelites and the eastern Moabites, he gives each of these groups a semiautonomous region, the Israelites in the northwest of the Ekronean Kingdom and the eastern Moabites in the southeast. This eases the rebellion, but only enough for the Traditionalists to mobilise some more of their Traditionalist Militia’s troops to fight the Ekronean Army, which by then had sided with the Familists.

449 AC: The internal fights between the two Ekronean factions had turned into a full-blown civil war the year before, and little effort was being made to hold the Israelite or the eastern Moabite rebellion. The country splits in half, with the Traditionalists in the north declaring the creation of the Kingdom of Aha’im after the king Rapa II flees to Askelun to avoid being killed by the Familists as they were sieging the capital Ekronas. After Rapa fled to the north, the former king Pekhol IV returns to Ekronas and is acclaimed king by the army. The separation leads to a more severe war between the two newly-formed countries. The Ekronean Army leaves the Southeast Province, and the eastern Moabites declare their country as Kingdom of Moab (East), with the leader of the rebellion, Mesha ban Melekh, as their king and Hasrot-Moab as their capital. The Moabite king Dibun III sends a delegation demanding them to reunite to the older Kingdom of Moab (West), and the eastern Moabites refuse, declaring that “as the king Aglun and his subjects turned their backs on us (eastern Moabites), we will also turn our backs on you and your king”. The war between the Ekronean Kingdom and the Kingdom of the Aha’im ends near the end of the year, leaving both countries with their resources exhausted, several hundreds of thousands dead and many more permanently injured. The president of the State of Canaan grants freedom of religion to all, forbids the practice of missionarism. A fully independent Israelite nation is declared in the far west, while the newly freed Israelite territories are still without a central governing body because several Israelite militia were created and they couldn't agree on a governing body in these areas. World population reaches 6 million. Geloan technology is similar to Earth's mid-19th century, even though some technologies, such as telegraph and solid-fuel rockets (liquid-fuel rockets still have not been invented), are similar to Earth's 1900's and 1950's, respectively.
List of ethnical groups of Gelo by the end of the War Age, by size:
1. Philistines: around 2,000,000 people, ~33.5% of world's population;
2. Canaanites: around 1,830,000 people, ~31.5% of world's population;
3. Moabites: around 1,280,000 people, ~22% of world's population;
4. Israelites: around 415,000 people, ~6% of world's population;
5. Ishmaelites: around 410,000 people, ~7%% of world's population.
World population is at about 6 million people.
Dark Age -->