sexta-feira, 12 de novembro de 2021

Geloan History: Dark Age (450AC to --AC)


450 AC: The Eastern Kingdom of Moab's (EKOM) king Mesha ban Melech dies less than a year into his reign. His son, Mesha II, reigns in his place. He finishes the organisation of the nation's army, and orders the establishment of a "beylemud elit" (EKOM dialect: [bej.lə.m'ud ʔe.l'i:t]; university) for military technologies, since his army is the least advanced army on Gelo by a long shot. The king changes the capital to Dibun.

451AC: A strange object is seen on the skies of Mevo Gelo, hovering for over a month, from 2nd of the third secondary month to 4th of the fourth secondary month; city's inhabitants reported no knowledge of whatever happened during these days, and also travelers who reached the city reported losing memory from the moment they saw the object in the horizon foward. Similar events reportedly happened throughout this period at cities nead swamp areas near rivers, but with a much shorter duration, throughout Gelo, from the northernmost Canaanite City-State to the southernmost EKOM city. After these events ceased, fields with growing rice crops were found at these locations - also, some people reported having received knowledge on how to grow this new type of food, but couldn't explain why. At first people were too afraid to check whether it was safe to eat, but when a group of these "affected" were expelled, they looked for these rice fields and prepared some types of food, after which the rest of the people saw it was safe to be eaten, and these "affected" became field owners. These events happened similarly at all Geloan countries. According to two unknown female Israelite children living on Mevo Gelo, who were back then considered to be mentally ill (some reports seem to suggest the children had a high degree of Autism), the object hovered above the city and people lived their lives normally, not noticing the object above or the events, then a multicoloured beam of light was shot from the top of the Central Tower towards the object, lasting for days. It's now believed that this was a visitation from the Captors, who were probably checking on Geloan humans and bringing new crops to be used on the planet - also, from this event, legends about the Capture and similar posterior events, it's now believed that people who have Autism (called "Non-Usual Behavior Syndrome" by Geloan psycology) and similar conditions are partially immune to the mind-erasing technology of the Captors, but the mechanism through which the Captors' technology works, or why Autists are immune to it, is yet unknown. These events gave rise to religious unrest throughout the planet, as similar stories arose at other places.

452AC: Upon knowing that the main event happened on Mevo Gelo, the Kingdom of Aha'im decided to seize the city from Israelite control, considering these events to be the visitation of Ba'al's messengers, rewarding them for bringing back the old religion (the Traditionalist religion; they regarded the reports of similar events at other places to be forgeries, mainly due to Traditionalist priests' declarations). Each Israelite faction refused to help, demanding the Mevo Gelo's inhabitants to adhere to the demanding faction first, so that they could help. Seeing that help would be a long way, and noticing the impatience of the Aha'ite Army, the inhabitants accepted the Aha'ite rule. The regular months went through without much unrest, with many Traditionalist priests oving into the city and expanding it; however, during the second secondary month of that year, the Aha'ite army gave an ultimatum to the city's Israelites, either accept the Traditionalist religion or be expelled from the city, but forbiding them to return to Israelite-controlled areas. This led to a mass conversion of the inhabitants; even so, the Aha'ites expelled most of these converted Israelites from their homes, much closer to the Central Tower, and resettled them in newer, bigger homes in the outskirts of Mevo Gelo, giving the old Israelite homes to the wealthiest of the Traditionalist priests. Even so, the Israelite factions, or the Meshol Yisrel's Supreme Court of Sages, refused to help these Israelites or rescue them from the new situation. By the end of the year, the Israelite Negba faction plegded alliance to the Kingdom of Aha'im in exchange of wealth and rice fields - this move angered the Kingdom of Qedar, who saw the Philistines back at their borders, but no harsh actions were enacted.

453AC: The Canaanites take on the Traditionalist views about this visitation of the Captors, believing them to be the messengers of the gods, but to their help. Seeking to minimise military expenses and save them for a future confrontation with the Aha'ites over the control of Mevo Gelo, the Kingdom of United Canaan offered the Israelite factions military protection from the Aha'ite Army and trainning, in exchange of shared control over the area from the KUC's borders to 200,000 cubits (~100km) south of Mevo Gelo. The eastern Israelite factions agree, and the Canaanite Coalition's Army (CCA) moves in. The Meshol Yisrel's Army warns the factions of actions against the religious Israelites, saying they'll protect them from any attack, no matter where they may live. This raises tensions bewteen the Meshol Yisrel and the Israelite factions. Some Israelites under the CCA control seek better economical situation by assimilating into the Canaanite religion and people - as a response to this movement, the more religious Israelites, who reproved this behaviour, formed a contrary movement, usually called as the Fearful (of G-d), increasing in religious practices and seeking a more secluded lifestyle to avoid the increasing assimilation. By the end of the year, a group of the Fearful, comprised mainly of Israelites of priestly ascent, move to Bet Shemes, the old religious centre of the Israelites on Mevo Gelo - another group of the Fearful move to an oasis area a few thousand cubits south from New Ayalon, and establish the town of Yerushlem.

459AC: A new war opens between the western Kingdom of Moab and the Kingdom of Qedar, as the WKOM tries another time to regain territories from the hands of the Ishmaelites. However, the KOQ Army is well prepared and is a lot more technologically advanced than the WKOM Army. The KOQ Army focuses on the southwest end of the Moabite Southern Strip, and in less than a week it cuts that area from the rest of the WKOM Army. The war lasts for another 9 months, and finally ends with the Ishmaelites reaquiring control over the Strip. The defeat leads to popular revolts against its king, who they understand initiated the conflict to try to divert attention from social difficulties faced by its population. A revolution begins, leading to several internal clashes attempting to remove the monarchy. A group of republicans, backed by the State of Canaan, leads the revolts against the monarchy, while the monarchists, backed by the Ekroneans and the Ishmaelites (who feared the influence of the republican movements getting stronger if the WKOM republicans were succesful), attempted to maintain the monarchy in power. By the end of the year, civil war is ongoing.

460AC: The civil war in the WKOM partially ends by the end of the regular months. The king is decapitated in front of the Royal Palace, together with the royal family, the ministers and their families, including children - one of the children of the king survived, and was taken to a safe haven, protected by monarchists. With the murder of the children, however, the republicans lost most of the support they had from the population, who viewed them as much more tyranical than the king. The civil war resumes, and much of the army sides back with the monarchists. With the loss of support, the republicans surrender, and the civil war finally ends - trying to prove to be better than the republicans, this renewed monarchist movement decided to spare their lives, but sent them to serve life sentences. The war left about 18,000 dead. The monarchists reinstate the last surviving daughter of the king, Bat-Libana, as queen over the WKOM. As an attempt to strenghten this renewed monarchy in the eyes of the local population, the KOQ gave away a large strip of fertile lands to the WKOM, which indeed had the desired result. In the Eastern Kingdom of Moab, however, begins a republican movement, also backed by the SOC. This leads to diplomatic crisis with almost all countries against the SOC, but nothing more serious arises. A minor conflict between the Kingdom of Ekronas and the Kingdom of Aha'im arises over the Yeshubaal Islands, and the Kingdom of Ekronas manages to capture both North and South islands. The KOQ also delivers a small strip of land to the Kingdom of Ekronas, in exchange for large sums of money and a peace treaty.

463AC: The Israelites as a whole accept total control from the Kingdom of United Canaan, as long as the Canaanites didn't try to assimilate forcefully the Israelites. The KUC accepts, and attempting to keep some divide inside the Israelite population, they separated most of Israelite territory into 12 regions, each asigned to each tribe, with another region to the north, almost half the Israelite territory, where no tribal divisions were allowed. Although the KUC played the tolerant role, much effort was actually put into assimilating the Israelites, by neglecting the tribal territories but providing more economical and rights to those in the "free" territory. Each tribal territory was assigned a leader from the local tribe, with only relevant people being chosen who were in support of the Canaanite control. It's in this moment that the more religious Israelites coined the term "shenatim sheley busha", or the "shameful years", to refer to the time the Israelites willingfully gave up on their independence in favour of a foreign nation. By the same time, the Familists in the Kingdom of Ekronas estabilish the Higher Family Temple, near the capital city of Ekronas Negba; with that, a High Priest is selected, and many priests are prepared and sent to the provinces. The Familists attempt to create another calendar, as they viewed the Israelite calendar, by now widely used by almost every nation, as the product of "infidels" - no success was made throughout the year. Seeing the strenghtening of the Familist religion, the Kingdom of Aha'im strenghten its religious ties with the Canaanites, and also establish priests that are well versed in the Canaanite religion - the Traditionalists establish also an Inquisition-like "Deganas's Tribunal", in an attempt to suffocate the "familists" inside Aha'ite territory. A scientist known only as Ber-Sideq, stumbles upon the device designed by Ashtar-Ya'al almost 100 years (nearly 200 Earth years) earlier, and reconstructs it according to her specifications as written in a boom that was marked for cleaning (people still used to clear old "unsuseful" books to write new books); he shows the device and claims to be his invention. Since Ashtar-Ya'al was forgotten about that time, everybody accepts, and he's rewarded by the KUC king with large sums of money, seeing the potential of the device for fast and secure communications with its troops.

467AC: The king of Ekronas, Baal-Seran I, son of Pekhol IV, dies. His son, Baal-Teos I is acclaimed king, with a large ceremony, in which the king was now declared to be also the "lesser" High Priest of the Familist religion - according to the Familist religion, there are three "High Priests": one priest representing the Father Deganas, one priestess representing the Mother Be'lat Selan, and the king now being a priest to represent the Son Ba'al Seran. By this period, the Familists begin associating the Israelites "followers of Mota, who now calls himself as 'El'" (refering to the Israelite and Canaanite word for the Israelite G-d), and the Traditionalists (and also, by association of religious practice, the Canaanites and the Moabites) as the ones who fell for Mota's lies of too many gods. The Traditionalists are persecuted in Ekronas, as the Familists are also persecuted in the Kingdom of Aha'im. The WKOM strenghtens its position by reinforcing investments in its military, as well as the education system; its king, Ba'al-Yesha ban Malki, sees that an absolutist monarchy is impractical in the long run, and orders the establishment of a parliament, with 120 members, elected every five years by the people - he's still the national leader, and kept to himself the possibility of closing the parliament and calling for new elections, as well as the "deciding vote" in matters where the parliament was unable to make a decision. He also prepared the first constitution, in which he included laws that could not be changed afterwards, stating some laws he deemed necesssary and others stating the duties of the parliament and which kind of laws they could enact. His decision sparks controversies with the KOQ, who viewed this as a breach of the agreements that lead to the return of a large territory back to the WKOM, as well as with Ekronas, who viewed this as a "threat to the stability of the region". However, the KUC, the SOC and the Canaanite City-States (most of them) viewed this with favour, leading to an increase in trade and "friendship ties". Even with harsh disapproval by the KOQ and Ekronas, no military action was taken by any side.

484AC: Seeing that the control over the Israelite territories was demanding too much from the KUC treasuries and profit was way too low, they decided to relinquish control over the tribal territories, giving it back to the Israelites on the condition that they would maintain Canaanite rights to the exploration of minerals in the area. In less than 9 months, all 12 tribal territories accept the offer. With that plan in mind, the KUC expected the Israelites to guard the land from any Ekronean or Aha'ite invasion, while still allowing KUC to profit from the exploration of minerals and metals from Israelite territory. Even if they would eventually lose the control over these areas, they would not suffer a heavy financial loss. To strenghten the "Israelite loyalty" to the KUC, they trained the armies of each tribe with the best military tactics they knew, and helped them with state-of-the-art equipment and weapons, to face off the threat of an Ekronean or Aha'ite invasion.

489AC: The Court of Sages elect the next judge, Shima'on ben Kokhavi, from the tribe of Judah. But, since the Israelites in the Tribal Territories each has its own local leader, his role is accepted only in the Israelite "free" territory, still under full Canaanite control. To avoid confrontation with the KUC, his role is kept mostly as a religious leader, rather than a political one. The KOQ, seeing the advantageous deal made between the Israelites and the KUC, implement a similar deal with the Moabites who live under the occupied territories, since the KOQ was also suffering the same financial strain for keeping such a vast territory - the KOQ has kept control over the region for 204 years (408 Earth years) -, and as such, they had a much deeper influence over the local Moabites than the KUC had over the Israelites. They assemble the leading sages of these Moabites to establish a constitution for the new country and, to appease the locals, the KOQ agrees to back a constitutional monarchy in the new state. By the end of the year, they decide to call this new country as "Timan", the southernmost one, and the elected king changes his name to Ali-Paz I, in reference to a sage from a region called Timan mentioned in the monotheistic religion's texts (closely related to the Israelite religion, and actually a "for-non-Israelites" version of it). The SOC and the KUC establish immediate diplomatic relations. The KUC Army develops a long-range wireless telegraph, capable of sending messages as far as 2,000km - the technology is kept a secret. Scientists from the Sur Federal University in the SOC develop a light sensor that is capable of releasing increasing amounts of electricity with increasing light. Another group from the same university uses this invention, positions them in a 30X30 configuration behind a lens that focus the image over the sensors, and then links them to small lamps in another room, also in the same configuration, demonstrating the principle of the electric camera. By the same period, a scientist from the WKOM develops a device that can play recorded sounds, in a similar fashion old LPs work on Earth.

491AC: Famine hits Gelo once again. A drought hits the main continent, and many crops are lost. The Israelites suffer the most, as the equatorial currents of warm water, that bring rains to the region, weakens. The SOC and KUC also suffers with this change in the pattern of rains. The KUC then abandons the control over all Israelite territories and, due to the lack of possible profit in the middle of a famine, the Aha'ites and the Ekroneans do not invade. The WKOM still receive some rains, as the EKOM and Timan. The KOQ fare better, due to a deal with Timan. The Israelites reunite under the combined leadership of the Judge Shima'on and the Twelve Tribal Leaders - this unification period is called "shenatin sheley shuba" (years of repentance). The Canaanite City-States feel almost no change in crop yields, due to the moisture coming from the Kina'an Strait. Scientists from the Agricultural College in the EKOM develop hydroponics.

495AC: Engineers from the Royal Military Engineering College in Qedar City, KOQ, develop a combustion engine that uses alcohol as fuel - they immediately develop a lightweight version that can be used to propel small airplanes for longer distances, and sometimes even return to the top of the Qedari Plateau, where the KOQ airbase is located. The Israelites discover the KOQ creation and request it for their own army, but the KOQ denies on the grounds of fear they will share the technology with the KUC due to their their alliance. The next year, the KOQ manages to have the first self-propelled airplane take off from the ground, and rapid progress on the technology is ordered - this technology is kept a deep state secret. Mass migration of Israelites that were living in Timan and KOQ to the Israelite territories.

499AC: By the end of the year, tensions rise in the Israelite territories. The Judge Shima'on wants to establish a monarchy, based on the Israelite belief that a kingdom should be established by either the tribe of Judah or the tribe of Efrayim and, since he was from the tribe of Judah, he was the right person to do so. Most of the Israelites in the north back the decision of the Judge Shima'on, and he is acclaimed king, and most of the Israelites in the south prefer to maintain the Tribal Leaders. Seeing the history of past internal conflits, the Israelites decide to separate the government as two independent nations, Meshola Yisrel in the south and Saphonat in the north. They keep open borders for each other, for anyone willing to live on the other side to do so peacefully. However, the religious centre of the Israelite religion remains in Bet-Shemes, in Meshola Yisrel's territory - the Saphonat Israelites have full right of access. The famine eases by the end of the year after 8 years (16 Earth years). The KUC threatens the Israelites with a military invasion if they leave KUC's influence, but since the Israelites were keeping the word of allowing KUC to explore its natural resources, not much action was taken.

504AC: Crops begin to yield a lot more due to the return of the rains. The famine ends completely, and a year of plentiful crops begin. The KUC increases military presence in Saphonat after the king Shima'on dies at the early age of 17 (34 Earth years), leaving no successor, because the Tribal Leaders are increasingly turning against the agreement with the KUC, because little resources were left for the Israelites to use and make a living. Even so, the Tribal Leaders rule partially also over Saphonat. The KOQ Intelligence Agency discovers the wireless telegraphic technology possessed by the KUC, and manages to create their own version. They also further develo the technology to send audio. The Timanite king Ali-Paz I dies, and his son, Ali-Paz II rises to power. He fosters a new alliance with the KOQ, also establish a military partneship with the Qedaris for the development of new technologies, in exchange of tax relief in trade. The Eastern Kingdom of Moab faces civil unrest, as the population is growing poorer by the day due to bad management of the resources, and also due to increasing taxes being imposed by the population - also, seeing the royal family in fancy clothes going around the city, "with their bellies full of food as if they were about to explode", doesn't help. Protests against the king Bin-Kimosh are common. During this period, a man known only as "Amami" (meaning "of the people") creates a theory of political government that, amongst its many claims, "all work categories should receive the same payment, because if one of these work categories were to be eliminated, the society would collapse as a whole" (vagely similar to communism on Earth) - his ideas spread like fire among the population. Attempting to ease tensions, the king orders a reduction of taxes by half, and those in extreme povertry would be exempt from paying taxes - this eases the tensions a little, but the army is getting underpaid as consequence. The KUC's Qart Hadasht University reveals their version of the SOC's light sensor, much smaller, as well as a device similar to a TV screen, using tiny lamps to form an image in a much more refined way than that demonstrated by the SOC's Sur Federal University - images are still only black and white, and had to be transmitted through wires. The KUC Qart Hadasht University also develops the first version of a transistor, similar to a point-contact transistor on Earth. The Familists in Ekronas are growing more extremists, as well as the Traditionalists in the Kingdom of Aha'im; tensions are high, and clashes are common on the Ekronean-Aha'ite border. The Familists send missionaries to the Israelites, Quedarites and Timanites, expecting to convert them to their religion - some are very forceful, to the point of desecrating places of worship of these people, and some missionaries were killed by the furious mobs after these desecrations - even so, a minority of Israelites do convert to the Familist religion. Missionaries are sent also to the EKOM, and a message of "the god Deganas, god of crops, is the one who can ease your hunger, and not men of flesh and blood" found a place in their ears. Some missionaries are successful in converting thousands of EKOM Moabites to the Familist religion.

512AC: A military exercise between Timan and KOQ armies is mistaken by the WKOM army as an attack. War breaks out between WKOM and KOQ, while the Timan Army was stationed to prevent attacks on their cities. The war ended after 4 days, after the KOQ started bombing the WKOM capital Megrab with airplanes - since the city is located at the top of a mountain, the mere sight of KOQ airplanes firing missiles was frightening, because it meant that the KOQ was way ahead of everybody in military technological development. WKOM forces surrender to the KOQ, and the king (known solely as Abiram II of WKOM) signed the surrender terms, which demanded no troops within 100,000 cubits (about 50km) from the border with Timan and with KOQ for a period of 10 years. The news of Qedari rocket-armed airplanes spread like fire throughout Gelo, and a race to develop a similar vehicle begins. The SOC develops independently a wireless transmitter, capable of transmitting telegraph signals to distances up to 400,000 cubits (about 200km) - the SOC Army deploys similar devices on the border, and discover KUC military communications because they were using almost the exact same frequency as them. By the next year, using a device that focuses light from a powerful lamp into a tight beam using lenses as a sender and a light sensor as a receiver, scientists at the SOC manages to send telegraphic messages by precisely pointing the light beam towards the sensor; although the idea is then abandoned due to its multiple difficulties and is considered impractical, some researchers later consider it to be similar to reports from the last Captors visit in 451AC. Two brothers from the city of Bet Dagan (one of the Canaanite City-States), called Natan-Ba'al and Bat-Ashrat, filhos do ministro Ahiram a-Dagani, publishes a series of studies on light and magnetism, including their calculations on the difraction of light and their measurements that lead to the definition of a unity of charge, which people then called as the "Bar Ahiram value" (on Earth, it's called "coulomb"); with their discoveries, the development of transistors and electronics could go faster, instead of using brute force in try-and-error to develop new technologies.

514AC: A biologist from the University of Ekronas publishes his book with detailed information about fauna and flora of the region, and proposes his method of taxonomy. The Israelites reestablish the universities that were neglected during the KUC control; secretly from the KUC, the Israelites prepare large caches of missiles, firearms and other kinds of weapons. Civil unrest again on EKOM. A popular movement on the models labeled by Amami begins in the WKOM, with some cities attempting to establish this form of economics and government; the central government of WKOM doesn't get concerned too much with it. Similar movements begin on Timan and Ekronas. The Familism begin to grow throughout Gelo - the SOC grants them also the right of freedom of worship.

521AC: The Ekroneans begin a war with the Kingdom of Aha'im, over the control of the city Mevo Gelo, with the motivation being purely religious, since the city carries religious significance for both the Traditionalists and the Familists, as well as the Israelites. The city, however, is under Israelite control, and even the Kingdom of Aha'im haven't tried to take the city, fearing a possible military response from the KUC, because it's still controlling the Israelite territories. War begins between KOA and Ekronas, with fierce battles in the western front - the war doesn't go into Israelite territory just yet. Ekronean gliders bomb KOA positions along the border and gather intelligence - an advantage that the KOA doesn't have, since the nearest plateau is on Ekronean side of the border. The Ekroneans advance several kilometres into KOA territory, conquering cities and killing those who do not convert to the Familist religion.

522AC: By the middle of the year, the Ekroneans arive near the city of Mevo Gelo, from the KOA side of the border; then they fortify their position and begin advancing in the central and eastern front towards KOA territory. Fearing a possible KOA defeat and having the Familists at their border, the KUC sends expeditionary troops to help fight the Ekroneans. Also feraing the Familists, the Israelites decide to enter the war with Ekornas; soon after the KOQ and Timan follow. By the end of the year, most of the Canaanite City-States send troops to help the KOA.

523AC: A meteor 20 cubits wide (10 meters) hits the ocean about 1,200km west from the Kina'an Strait. Tsunami waves as high as 10 cubits (5 meters) washes across the shore of the continent; the SOC, KUC and many Canaanite City-States are severely hit, with an estimated 105,000 death toll; waves also hit coastal areas in the Israelite territories, but, since most Israelite coastal cities are located on cliffs 30 meters high, they are the least affected, but even so they lost again the (old) city of Ayalon and many villages, with an estimated 1,200 death toll. The impact weakens the war efforts made by these countries. Since Ekronas was mostly unaffected by this event, they could keep pushing northwards. However, in the south, they only managed to hold the Qedari-Timanite offensive. By the end of the year, the Qedaris and the Timanites offer a truce to Ekronas, because the war has taken a heavy toll on the economy of these two countries. The KUC, under economic strain from both the war and the disaster, also leave the war, with only the KOA fighting for its independence.

527AC: Ekronean troops manage to take over the KOA capital, Askelun, and capture their king. The Ekronean Army offers to end the war, with the condition that the KOA king convert to the Familist religion, and surrender the control over the country to Ekronas. The KOA surrenders and become a vassal state to Ekronas; the Familists send several priests and masters to convert masses of people in the KOA, and taxes are imposed over the people who did not convert to the Familism. Tensions are high at the border with the KUC. Familists living in the KUC and SOC, emboldened by the victory of the Ekroneans, begin rallies advocating for mass convertions to the Familism, sometimes violently. Familists in Israelite territories do the same; the EKOM, after their king converts to the Familism, aligns by his own will with Ekronas, and they establish Deganas's Tribunals throughout the country. These tribunals are also set on KOA territory. The Canaanite City-States close their ports for any shio coming from the EKOM, Ekronas or occupied KOA, and any contact with anyone suspected of being a Familist at the ports is limited, under control of local police forces. The Israelites unite once again under the Judge Na'omi bat Eliram HaAshari; she doesn't abolishes the Tribal Leaders, and consider them to be integral part of the new leadership. Apemelakh, son of the Ekronean king Baal-Seran VI is born; his brother is born by the end of the year.

535AC: The Deganas's Tribunals have already killed thousands under the accusation of apostasy./ to the Familist religion. The Ekroneans diminish their rule over proper KOA, but maintain control over large areas conquered during the first part of the war. The central city for the Familist religion has been Ekronas Negba, south of Ekronas City. Large groups of Familists travel once a year to the celebrations in the city - one of the main custom is to touch and kiss the feet of the Be'lat Selan statue at the entrance of the city, asking her for good fortune and that she can advocate before her husband on their behalf. The Familists consider the practice of medicine to be forbidden, because "only Be'lat Selan can heal, since she gave the wind of life to men", and as such these studies are halted at Ekronean, KOA and EKOM universities. Anyone who opposes the determinations of the Three High Priests is considered to be heretics, and may incur in death penalty. 

542AC: Minor clashes between Ekronean and Israelite troops near the city of Mevo Gelo. Rumors have spread that the next Son's High Priest and king of Ekronas, Apemelakh, has abandoned the Familist religion after being brainwashed by the Israelites, "servants of Mota". He's been kept hidden from the majority of the people, living in the city of Bet-Shemes with the priests - he has indeed converted to the Israelite religion under the guidance of the current judge's husband, Yoshiyah ben Eliahu, and has taken the name Abraham ben Abraham.

547AC: The Israelite Judge Na'omi bat Eliram dies, and the Court of Sages do not elect any leader. In Saphonat, however, the convert Abraham ben Abraham (born Apemelakh, son of Baal-Seran VI) is acclaimed Judge. The Tribal Territories, however, do not accept his rule on the grounds of the religious prohibition of appointing someone of foreign origin to rule over Israel; the Judge Abraham considers this to be invalid in this situation for not being in the original land of Israel and not being an independent Israelite rule. The revelation that the son of the Son's High Priest converted to the Israelite religion shocks the Familist world; the Familists demand he to be returned to Ekronas to face proper judgement at a Deganas's Tribunal. Ekronean mobs attempt to invade the Israelite Territories on several occasions in order to capture the Judge Abraham or to kill him.

553AC: The Ekronean Army, under the decision of the Three High Priests, give an ultimatum to the Israelites - either return the Judge Abraham to face the Deganas's Tribunal or face military invasion. The Israelites infiltrate into Ekronean territory and attack several bases that serve for storage of supplies, and by the same time, the Israelite forces attack the Ekronean troops stationed at the border. Even though the Judge is now 26 years-old (52 Earth years), he also goes to battle, as he sees as his fault that the Israelites have been put in peril. The war breaks out, and they ask for reinforcements from the KUC's king, who promises them expeditionary forces. At the 9th of the eleventh regular month, the Judge Abraham dies in combat; the Ekroneans, having lost most of their supplies due to the tactics employed by the Israelites, still continues, but under severe strain. The death of the Judge Abraham shocks the Israelites, and they begin losing several battles at the hands of the Ekroneans; by the middle of the next year, the Israelites and the Ekroneans sign a truce, after Saphonat fell into Familist control. The Israelites are then cut from the KUC, who never sent the promised expeditionary forces. With the Familist rule in Saphonat, a harsh policy of forced conversions is imposed on the Israelites, who can either convert or lose all land property - sometimes even face death penalty for refusing.

555AC: Now having a wide border with the KUC, the Three High Priests order the invasion of the KUC. A new war begins, and the Ekronean Army focuses its attacks on the western part of the border, attempting to reach SOC border. The SOC and KUC unite their forces to fight off the Familist troops, but even their combined military power was barely holding position, because also several mobs of civilian Familist radicals begin attacking the KUC. A bomb detonates in front of the Presidential Palace in Sur, SOC; the explosion kills the SOC president, and the attack is attributed to Familist radicals from inside the country, and a state of paranoia arises - the Intelligence Police begin arresting people suspected of being Familist radicals. Similar events happen in the KUC capital, Qart Hadasht, but a bomb terrorist attack fails when it is discovered, minutes before the expected time to explosion. In the EKOM, the laws enacted by the king, under assistance by the Three High Priests, do improve the quality of life in the country, and as such the king and the Familists gain even more popularity. The Eastern Province of Timan has declared its will to seccede from Timan and join the EKOM, mainly due to religious reasons. By the end of the year, the Familists made little advance into KUC territory.

560AC: A pandemic spreads thoughout Ekronean troops. Refusing treatment and continuing to fight, the soldiers spread even more the disease through their troops. The disease spreads rapidly. To focus their attention on the KUC, who they viewed as their biggest threat, most Familist troops leave Saphonat, to replenish lost soldiers to the disease. The Israelites in Saphonat rebel against the Familist troops, trying to expel them from the country. Infected messengers are sent from the front lines to the major Ekronean cities, spreading even more the disease; the main purpose of the messengers was to ask for a draft of newer troops to replenish the lost soldiers in the front lines.

562AC: The Israelites expel the Familist troops from Saphonat. The disease begin spreading to EKOM, Timan, KUC, KOQ, Saphonat and Meshola Yisrel. It's estimated that the death toll so far was 87,000 people, still mostly Familist soldiers in the front lines of the combat with KUC. The KOQ king orders a count of how many people have died due to the disease so far, and the administrators arrive to 1,040 by the end of the year.

571AC: The Familists and the KUC sign a truce after long years of battle. The pandemics keeps going on. Israelites, Moabites, Canaanites, Ishmaelites and the Ekroneans... the death toll now reaches 3 million people, and populational growth almost halts by this period.

586AC: The pandemics ends. The death toll is in the dozens of millions worldwide. The inquisitory Deganas's Tribunals have killed hundreds of thousands so far, and they keep going. Much of the technological and scientific development halts by this period.

600AC: The Kingdom of United Canaan's king Hiram VI suffers a coup d'état; the military considers him to be too soft with the Familists, and has been demanding tougher stances on the Familists, mainly after several terror attacks against temples, governmental and military instalations, undertaken by Familist radicals. The military establishes a transitional government, and the country is renamed simply as United Canaan. The Provisional Government, a body constituted by the 10 military leaders of the 10 Provinces, diminishes civil rights and arrests Familist groups. Laws are enacted forbidding any practice of the Familist religion in Gelo. This decision sparks controversy, and the most moderate Familists protest on several cities, but mainly in the capital, Qart Hadasht; protesters clash violently with security forces and Traditionalist radicals, leaving dozens dead and hundreds injured. A Familist teenager, burns himself alive as protest against the harsh decisions taken by the Provisional Government, which further enboldens the Familist protesters. The State of Canaan has enacted also some laws restricting the practice of the Familist religion and, influenced by the Familist revolts in the United Canaan, several clashes also occur in the capital, Sur; civil unrest aso throughout SOC, but to a lesser extent. Fearing that the situation might worsen in the UC and enbolden the Familists in the SOC, the SOC president and parliament shuts down the freedom of press, and trade has been heavily monitored to avoid information coming from the outside. Familists in the Eastern Province of Timan also clash heavily with Timan's Security Forces, and riots spread declaring independence, and attempts are made at establishing a Deganas's Tribunal in the province; minor clashes also occur on other areas in Timan, but to a lesser extent.

601AC: Traditionalists clash with the Familists in the occupied Kingdom of Aha'im. Civil unrest spreads throughout Gelo, mainly in the continent. Some Familist missionaries convert hundreds of Israelites in Saphonean and Ashari Territories of Meshol Yisrel, which borders UC in the north and Ekronas in the south, respectively. High volcanic activity in the moon Libana ("Selan" in Ekronean) releases large amounts of gas and ashes, forming a faint but visible ring system around the planet; this activity diminishes the amount of stellar light reaching the planet, and temperatures begin to drop. Since the moon's activity begin by the end of summer in the north and extends throughout summer in the south, the southern hemisphere suffers heavily with the weather change, with diminishing rains. As a result, another famine begins, and due to the weakening of the oceanic currents in the area, the EKOM is heavily affected.

605AC: The Israelites reunite once again under the Council of Sages and the Supreme Court of Priests; civil unrest in Saphonat Territory. In the United Canaan, the Provisional Government establishes for the first time an organised modern economic plan; also, they make heavy investments in civilian infrasctructure and basic sanitation, generating many jobs. However, freedom of speech is still heavily censored, as well as freedom of press, which leads to constant clashes between protesters and security forces.

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