quinta-feira, 3 de outubro de 2019


Ekronean flag
Type of Government: Parliamentary representation
Division: 8 Districts
Subdivision: none
Population: 397 million
Ethnical divisions:
68.3% (271,151,000) Philistines
18.4% (73,048,000) Phoenicians
12.4% (49,228,000) Moabites
0.9% (3,573,000) Hebrew
Capital: Ekronas
Main population's origin: Philistine cities
Currency: Teklo (named after the shekel, an ancient currency and wheight measure)
Official language: Ekroneké

The Ekronean flag represents the way Ekroneans view themselves, both ideologically and religiously. The yellow circle represents the Sun-god rising over the land. The land is itself represented in colours red and green, representing its fighting spirit (red) and the fertility of the land (green). The blue lines represent both the rivers that cut through the capital Ekronas, as well as the fertility rivers said to be present in the original birthplace of their population. The five-pointed star represents the original birthplace of the Ekroneans (Earth), before they were taken by the Captors.

Capital: Ekronas
It is the tenth biggest city in Ekronas, home to more than 5.9 million people (1.48% of country's population). It has several neighborhoods, being the most proeminent the Karte Seran, where the prime-minister and other ministers live. The city is restricted to those who gained authorization by the Ministry of Housing, and must be renewed every 2 years. This is reserved to a very small elite of people who manage to become among the richest. It is the city with the highest cost of living in the entire planet, being the prices of basic food three to five times higher than that on other Ekronean cities.
It stands near the geographical centre of the continent, and has four air defense bases surrounding it due to its proximity to its main rival, Meshola Yisrel. The city was destroyed two times throughout its history, and has several museum showing the archaeological findings in the region and the relevance of the city for the Ekronean people.

Other cities
There are 135 cities in the country, and several villages. The list of the 10 most populated cities is as follows:

01- Asdot: 23.35 million (5.87%)
02- Kat: 22.74 million (5.74%)
03- Bet Deganas: 21.14 million (5.31%)
04- Kedma: 18.99 million (4.77%)
05- Makdahas Selana: 16.33 million (4.10%)
06- Er Kelonem: 14.18 million (3.56%)
07- Kholyatas: 9.95 million (2.50%)
08- Pekhola: 6.78 million (1.70%)
09- Seranem: 5.98 million (1.50%)
10- Ekronas: 5.9 million (1.48%)
There are 9.53 million Ekroneans living in villages, corresponding to 2.39% of the country's population.

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